a simple command line error could cost you dearly as an administrator. I saw a colleague blow away the root directory of a back-end storage server for the state of New York due to this simple oversight. Thankfully, the data and his career were recoverable...
2.7 Researching Commands 运行不确定的command前先google,别手贱…… 比如rm -rf/: -ris for recursive, and-fis for force. Just to be clear: This command is not good for your system. Don't run it. Keep watching ... 2.8 Line Based Programs 一些交互式的命令,一旦运行后就会占据terminal,一直运行。
When I first started learning the Linux command line, I found myself memorizing commands for specific scenarios. Even if it wasn’t the best command for the job, I had my way of doing things, and that worked for me. As I started working in a more professional environment around people w...
Now that you have the terminal at your fingertips, let us check some fundamental commands that form the core of Linux command line interaction. These commands are the building blocks of your journey and mastering them will boost your confidence and productivity. We will cover commands like: These...
原文发于我的独立博客:通过《The Linux Command Line》入门linux命令行 此书网站:The Linux Command Line,它是免费的。 它有中文版,而且还有一个好听的名字:快乐的 Linux 命令行 学习有两种方法,一种是系统的学,一种是根据实际需求来学。两种各有优缺点,前一种,知识不会有缺漏,对日后的融会贯通和触类旁通有...
11 Command-Line Editing 12 Text Editors 13 Getting Online Help manual pages manual pages(man pages)可以查看基础命令的用法 基本用法如下: $ man ls 如果不知道完整的命令名称,可以使用关键字模糊匹配: $ man -k keyword man后面可跟数字来查看不同内容,而不仅仅是命令的使用方法。假如我们想查看/etc/passw...
2.11 Command-Line Editing(命令行编辑) As you play with the shell, notice that you can edit the command line using the left and right arrow keys, as well as page through previous commands using the up and down arrows. This is standard on most Linux systems. 当你使用shell时,你会注意到你...
Linux-basic基础命令指导 LinuxBasic JayLiang2019/9/20 ©2019Q©ue2s0t1S0ofQtwuaerset,SInocft.wAallreri,gIhntcs.r版es权er所ve有d.Summary➢LinuxOverview➢LinuxDistribution➢runlevels➢FilesystemHierarchyStandard➢Shell➢Basiccommands➢SomeusefultoolsforLinux 2 What’sLinux •Linux(['l...
There are other options you can use with thepscommand, and it seems everyone has a preference, but the two most popular are:ps -efandps aux. They both provide you with a lot of process information. There you have the 10 basic Linux commands you need to know. There isn't one command...
The cat command is one of the easiest Unix commands to understand; it simply outputs the contents of one or more files. The general syntax of the cat command is as follows: cat命令是最容易理解的Unix命令之一; 它简单地输出一个或多个文件的内容。