Basic linux command 1. useradd 解释:添加新用户,在/etc/password文件中添加一行记录。参数:-g 用于添加账户时指定该账户的私有组,如果不指定-g参数,useradd命令会自动创建与该用户同名的组名作为该账户的私有组-G 用于添加附属组-D 用于显示或设置useradd命令所使用的默认值...
例如,输入pwd命令后,系统会显示当前工作目录的完整路径。 除了以上三个基础命令外,还有许多其他常用的Linux基础命令,如mkdir用于创建新目录,rm用于删除文件或目录,cp用于复制文件或目录,mv用于移动文件或目录等等。 在使用Linux系统时,熟练掌握这些基础命令是非常重要的。只有熟练运用这些基础命令,才能更加高效地管理和操作...
rpm -ivh xxx.rpm --nodeps --force tar -jxvf linux-2.6.20.tar.bz2 chmod -x executive set 显示当前shell的变量,包括当前用户的变量 env 显示当前用户的变量 export 显示当前导出成用户变量的shell变量 nautilus --browser 打开文件浏览器 ifconfig eth0 up 启用网卡 netstat -utln 显示监听端口 kudzu --...
linux basic command 1. strace strace -f -tt -o /tmp/gwenjie_vemkd_strace.log -p 5913 & -f 打印线程 2. sed cat vemkdperf.log | awk '{print $13, $19, $25}' | sed -s 's/</ /g'| sed -s 's/>/ /g' > vvv.txt...
Linux Basic Command UpDate2018-09-29 1538230612 Authorunnam3d TipPlease feel free to contact me via mail above for any confusion orsuggestions command list: writting order:function,description,option,example,tricks
DevicesNode BlockDevice /dev/hd[a-t]–IDEdrives/dev/sd[a-z]–SCSIdrives/dev/fd[0-7]–floppydrives 2011/1/13 Copyright2006Chien-YuehLee.Allrightsreserved.BlockDevice 實體磁碟 硬碟、光碟機、軟碟機等 裝置類別 IDE1,IDE2,SCSI1,etc.C:D:…Windows磁碟組態 在Windows下 C:,D:,…在Linux下 hd...
For now, let's remove thetoday.txtfile that you created earlier with thetouchcommand: $ rm today.txt Did you notice that you didn't receive any questions or prompts? Linux assumes you know what you want to do before you hit theEnterkey. That's a little disconcerting, isn't it? Ask...
For example, if you would like to check information of package along with it short description say (version number, check sums, size, installed size, category etc). Use ‘show‘ sub command as shown below. $ apt-cache show netcat
ip link show'commands display the configuration of all interfaces. If you want to view the configuration of a single interface, you need to specify the interface's name as the argument. For example, if you want to view the configuration of the interfaceeno16777736, use the following command....
The WSL commands below are listed in a format supported by PowerShell or Windows Command Prompt. To run these commands from a Bash / Linux distribution command line, you must replacewslwithwsl.exe. For a full list of commands, runwsl --help. If you have not yet done so, we recommendup...