# 强制退出i# insertesc# to command mode:w# save ,有:的命令叫ex command# moveh, j, k, l ctrl-f/b numberG gg# 第一个字符G last line of the file0(zero) 行首 ^ To the first non-whitespace character on the current line.$endof current line w beginning ofnextwordorpunctuation W ig...
. repeat last command yy copy line 5yy copy 5 lines p paste below P paste above x delete character 5x delete 5 characters dd delete line 5dd delete 5 lines :10,20d delete lines 10-20 d0 delete to line begin d$ delete to line end Navigation Navigate as usual with arrow keys, home,...
alias name='string' command1; command2; command3... 可以把多个命令放在同一行上,命令之间 用”;”分开 eg alias foo = 'cd /usr ; ls' unalias foo help - 提供shell内部命令帮助文档 --help -显示用法信息 Chap 7 重定向 命令 管道线 | command 1 | command 2 cat (Ctrl - d) cat ls-output...
Press 'b' to boot, 'e' to edit the selected command in the boot sequence, 'c' for a command-line, 'o' to open a new line after ('O' for before) the selected line, 'd' to remove the selected line, or escape to go back to the main menu. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8....
命令行解释器 – Command Line Interpreter Shell Linux操作系统 Linux操作系统分为内核和命令行解释器shell 我们使用Linux操作系统一般并不直接与Linux内核(kernel)直接打交道,而是借助一个命令行解释器,我们通过与命令行解释器打交道,命令行解释器再与Linux系统内核打交道,从而达到间接的与Linux操作系统内核打交道。
To get a feel for how GRUB refers to the devices on your system, access the GRUB command line by pressing C at the boot menu or configuration editor. You should get the GRUB prompt: 为了了解GRUB如何引用您系统上的设备,请通过在启动菜单或配置编辑器中按下C键来访问GRUB命令行。您应该会看到GRU...
Command (m for help): n (表示主分区) Command action e extended p primary partition (1-4) p (选择p创建主分区) Partition number (1-4): 2 (创建的主分区编号为2) First cylinder (101-160, default 101): 101 (柱面起始位置设置为101, 101-160表示当前磁盘剩余的未分区的柱面范围为101-160) ...
cmp command: comparing files byte by byte, cmp file1.txt file2.txt, if the files content are the same, no output, otherwise information about the first found difference, byte number and line number will be shown. Example: echo "hello" >> file1.txt, echo "hello2" >> file2.txt, cmp...
pr_notice("Kernel command line: %s\n", saved_command_line); /* parameters may set static keys */ jump_label_init(); parse_early_param();/* 解析命令行中的 console 参数 */ after_dashes = parse_args("Booting kernel", static_command_line, __start___param, ...