Ctrl+R:在在一般模式下,按下Ctrl键和R键可以反撤销最近的操作。 :redo命令:另一种方式是在命令模式下输入:redo命令,然后按回车。这个命令同样执行反撤销操作。 编辑/etc/profile 文件,在一般模式下, 并将光标移动到 , 输入 20,再输入 shift+g 2 关机 & 重启命令 2.2 基本介绍 shutdown –h now: 立即进行...
执行whoami命令可以查看当前用户名; 执行hostname命令可以查看当前主机名; 关于如何创建、切换、删除用户,在后面的用户与权限会具体讲解,这里先使用root用户进行演示。 [备注]root是超级用户,具备操作系统的一切权限。 命令格式 代码语言:javascript 代码运行次数:0 复制 Cloud Studio代码运行 command parameters(命令 参数...
<command-name> --help会在终端列出所有可用的命令,可以使用任何命令的-h或-help选项来查看该命令的具体用法。 18.whatis – What is this command whatis <command-name>会用单行来描述给定的命令。 19.man – Manual man <command-name>会为给定的命令显示一个手册页面。 20.exit exit用于结束当前的终端会话。
this can be a quick command to see the directory that you’re in. Another application of this command is when creating scripts where this command can allow us to find the directory where the script has been saved.
Alternatively, you can select the tool by passing --tool=<name> as the first argument on the command line: > .\dwarfs-universal-0.7.0-Windows-AMD64.exe --tool=mkdwarfs --help Note that just like the dwarfs.exe Windows binary, the universal Windows binary depends on the winfsp-x64.dl...
执行hostname命令可以查看当前主机名; 关于如何创建、切换、删除用户,在后面的用户与权限会具体讲解,这里先使用root用户进行演示。 [备注]root是超级用户,具备操作系统的一切权限。 命令格式 command parameters(命令 参数) 长短参数 单个参数:ls -a(a 是英文 all 的缩写,表示“全部”) ...
If you change the num_sectors field in <config>, you have to specify a new <rootfssize> so that it is a few GiB smaller then the total size of the external storage device to fit the APP and other partitions. If you run the command without a device in recovery mode plugged in, you...
then echo "username=$STORAGE_ACCOUNT_NAME" | sudo tee $SMB_CREDENTIAL_FILE > /dev/null echo "password=$STORAGE_ACCOUNT_KEY" | sudo tee -a $SMB_CREDENTIAL_FILE > /dev/null else echo "The credential file $SMB_CREDENTIAL_FILE already exists, and was not modified." fi # Change permissions...
then echo "username=$STORAGE_ACCOUNT_NAME" | sudo tee $SMB_CREDENTIAL_FILE > /dev/null echo "password=$STORAGE_ACCOUNT_KEY" | sudo tee -a $SMB_CREDENTIAL_FILE > /dev/null else echo "The credential file $SMB_CREDENTIAL_FILE already exists, and was not modified." fi # Change permissions...
New-HardDisk -VM VM_name -CapacityGBsize-DatastorevSAN_datastore_name-StorageFormat EagerZeroedThick -Controllercontroller_name-Persistence IndependentPersistent For Example, to create a 16 GB disk on theRHCS_0VM, attached to SCSI Controller 1 on the datastorevsanDatastore, run command: ...