chown -R user_name:group_name dir1 dir2 Not too difficult, eh? Conclusion Recently, I moved a self-hosted Ghost instance to a new server launched withDigitalOcean's 1-click deployment. I had to upload the entire images folder from the backup (downloaded on the local system) to the new ...
The file has been successfully moved to temp folder. After I edited the file, I tried to push. But it fails. C:\Users\Android\sdk\platform-tools>adb remount Not running as root. Try adb root first C:\Users\Android\sdk\platform-tools> adb root ...
For Arc-enabled Linux VMs PowerShell Copy Open Cloud Shell - az vm extension set --publisher Microsoft.Azure.ChangeTrackingAndInventory --version 2.11.0 --ids /subscriptions/<subscriptionids>/resourceGroups/<resourcegroupname>/providers/Microsoft.Compute/virtualMachines/<vmname> --name ChangeTracki...
My ver is 10.0.17134.523 tl;dr: I'm seeing files on my external NTFS-formatted hard drive that I cannot access through Linux (wsl Ubuntu) until I access/read them once through Windows which changes permissions on the Linux side. I have a...
GroupA group name for logically grouping files. Enter PathThe path to check for the file, for example,c:\temp\*.txt. You can also use environment variables, such as%winDir%\System32\\\*.*. Path TypeThe type of path. Possible values are File and Folder. ...
To change the user folder name on Windows 11, you have to create a new local administrator account using the name as you want the user folder to appear from the“Other users”settings, transfer your files and settings from the old to the new account, delete the old account, and link you...
YOUR_CYGDRIVE_MOUNT_PATH/c/Users/USER_NAME /home/USER_NAME none bind YOUR_CYGDRIVE_MOUNT_PATH= The path where your Windows drives are mounted into your cygwin/msys2 environment. USER_NAME= Your username. Usually in msys2 you have the same username as your Windows username. ...
"configurePreset": "linux-ninja-gcc-x64", "configuration": "RelWithDebInfo" } ] } CMake Tools Diagnostics {"os":"win32","vscodeVersion":"1.86.2","cmtVersion":"1.17.17","configurations": [ {"folder":"<scrubbed>","cmakeVersion":"3.28.3","configured": true,"generator":"Ninja Mul...
Windows 11 computer, and want my username and user folder to be the same username I use on all my computers "fubar1". However the name my Microsoft account is under is "Jon Doe". Windows created my user folder as "jondo". WHY is there no way to control my username / user folder?
Open the Computer Configuration\Windows Settings\Security Settings\Local Policies\Security Options folder. Locate and then click the Microsoft network server: Digitally sign communications (always) policy setting, and then click Disabled. Impo...