Mytime zoneis East African Time, and it is 3 hours ahead of the UTC. The system time zone data gets configured by symlinking the/etc/localtimefile’s content to the/usr/share/zoneinfodirectory. So, another way to check your local time zone is tolsthe file. ls -l /etc/localtime As...
statusShowcurrenttimesettingsshowShowpropertiesofsystemd-timedatedset-timeTIMESetsystemtimeset-timezone ZONESetsystemtimezone list-timezonesShowknowntimezonesset-local-rtc BOOL Control whether RTCisinlocaltimeset-ntp BOOL Enableordisable networktimesynchronization systemd-timesyncd Commands: timesync-statusShowst...
Universaltime: Thu2022-01-1308:53:10 UTC RTCtime: Thu2022-01-1316:53:09Time zone: Asia/Shanghai (CST,+0800)System clock synchronized: yes NTP service: active RTCinlocal TZ: yes//查询并设置时区 [root@localhost~]# timedatectl list-timezones [root@localhost~]# timedatectlset-timezone "Asia...
47、ne in Linux in a few short steps.It's possible to change the system timezone in Linux in a few short steps.Steps1. Logged in as root, check which timezone your machine is currently using by executing date. You'll see something like "Mon 17 Jan 2005 12:15:08 PM PS 48、T -...
linux 的时区修改(Time zone modification of Linux)Time zone modification of Linux2.6.27 This version of the time zone configuration file is saved in /etc/tz.Use VI to open the TZ file, display the string MST7MDT, check the following time zone table, the current set time zone for UTC ...
If set, it takes precedence as the time zone of the system. To check its value, simply use the echo command to print the content to the console: $ echo $TZ Europe/Madrid 4. date Command The date command is a command-line tool for dealing with the date and time of the system. ...
1. Logged in as root, check which timezone your machine is currently using by executing `date`. You'll see something like "Mon 17 Jan 2005 12:15:08 PM PST -0.461203 seconds", PST in this case is the current timezone. 2. Change to the directory to /usr/share/zoneinfo, here you ...
Checktheoperationofthesystemclock: #date Settheoperationofthesystemclock: #date91713272003.30 Generalsettingsformat: #datemonths,days,years,seconds 2.usehwclockorclockcommandstoviewandsethardwareclocks Viewhardwareclock #hwclock--show or #clock-Show 2003,Wednesday,09,17,13:24,11seconds,-0.482735seconds ...
//查询时间及时区 [root@localhost ~]# timedatectl Local time: Thu 2022-01-13 16:53:10 CST Universal time: Thu 2022-01-13 08:53:10 UTC RTC time: Thu 2022-01-13 16:53:09 Time zone: Asia/Shanghai (CST, +0800) System clock synchronized: yes NTP service: active RTC in local TZ: ...
Step 1: Identifying the Present Timezone At the outset of adjusting your system’s timezone, it’s paramount first to ascertain your current settings. This is achieved by leveraging thetimedatectlcommand in the Debian terminal.timedatectlis a utility that allows you to view and change the system...