More so, try to employ a pipeline andgrep commandto only filter the timezone as below: $ timedatectl | grep “Time zone” Find Current Linux Timezone Learn how toset timezone in Linux using timedatectlcommand. 3.In addition, users of Debian and its derivatives can display the content of ...
Linux offers a couple of ways to check the time zone. The oldest way is to check where the system’s/etc/localtimepoints. This is the file location set when you configure the time zone. In the early days of system administration, this was set by manually creating a symbolic link from ...
The dawn of the internet in the 1980s saw most operating systems adopt the UTC to ease collaboration among computer programmers and internet users. The time information is stored in the Time Zone (TZ) database, helping to improve consistency when handling the OS or computer programs. Most coun...
Change the Timezone in Linux Using tzdata Command There is another way to change the timezone in Linux using tzdata. Let’s understand by the following example: First, you need to figure out the timezone you want to configure. Next, save the timezone using the following command in/etc/ti...
pointing/etc/localtimefile to your specific time zone file. Your system’s clock will be updated immediately, as you can find out by enteringdatecommand in the terminal. But users with a desktop environment such as XFCE need to log out and log back in to see the changes on the taskbar....
Change your timezone in Linux from the graphical environment This section shows how to change the timezone from thedesktop environment. Note: Depending on your X Window manager, the steps may be different. Keep in mind that you need to find the System administration panel and select Time and...
How to Set/Change Timezone on Linux Before changing your time zone, start usingtimedatectlto determine the currently set time zone. timedatectl Now let’s list all the available time zones, so you know the exact name of the time zone you’ll use on your system. ...
Display Current Time, Date, and Timezone in Ubuntu MostLinux distributions, such as Ubuntu, Fedora, Debian, andArch, include thetimedatectlutility. Access the command line and enter thetimedatectlcommand to display the current time and date information: ...
How to Find and Set Local Timezone in Linux 1.To display the current time and date on your system, use thetimedatectlcommand from the command line as follows: # timedatectl status Check Time and Date In the screencast above,RTCtime is the hardware clock time. ...
The method for setting Linux timezone: Backup old timezone info if needed # mv /etc/localtime /etc/localtime.bak Find out the appropriate timezone from /etc/localtime and create a symbolic link to it For example we want to set the time zone to Hong Kong time: ...