“`bash source set_prompt.sh “` 这将使得在使用root用户登录时,命令提示符以红色显示,并以”#”结束。 5. 永久设置:以上的方法仅在当前会话中生效。如果你希望永久自定义bash命令提示符,你可以将相应的命令添加到你的bash配置文件中。根据不同的Linux发行版,配置文件可能是~/.bashrc、~/.bash_profile或/etc...
3. Prompt中添加命令执行结果:我们可以通过在PS1环境变量中使用反引号(“)将命令的执行结果添加到Prompt中。例如,以下命令将Prompt显示为“[username@hostname current_directory last_command_exit_code]$ ”: “`bash export PS1=”\[\e[32m\][\u@\h \W \$(echo \$?)]\$ \[\e[0m\]” “` 上述...
Even better, I might want to ensure my bash prompt is dramatically different than that of a remote machine I might be working on, so there's no mistaking the two. To that end, I like to customize my bash prompt to include very little information. I have, on occasion, configured my ba...
Colorize BASH Prompt What we have seen so far is we just changed and added some elements to the BASH prompt. In this section, we are going to add colors the elements to the BASH prompt. You can enhance the foreground (text) and background color of BASH prompt's elements by adding some...
同时,这个文件默认在~/.bashrc,打开进行复制粘贴就可以。最后将一张完整的终端图像贴到这里。希望你能够喜欢我这份bash配置。 # ~/.bashrc: executed by bash(1) for non-login shells. # see /usr/share/doc/bash/examples/startup-files (in the package bash-doc) ...
1>.GNU Bourne-Again Shell(bash)是GNU计划中重要的工具软件之一,目前也是 Linux标准的shell,与sh兼容,CentOS默认使用Bash。 2>.显示当前使用的shell [root@node101.yinzhengjie.org.cn~]#echo${SHELL}/bin/bash [root@node101.yinzhengjie.org.cn~]# ...
Default BASH Prompt The default BASH prompt is the one you see when you first open a terminal or command line. It usually looks something like this: username@hostname:~$ Alternatively, it may look like this: (base) [username@localhost ~]$ ...
program is reading from the standard input, CTRL-R usually redraws the current line, but pressing the wrong sequence at the wrong time can leave you in an even worse situation than before. For example, entering CTRL-R at the bash prompt puts you in reverse isearch mode (press ESC to ...
help command 或man bash [root@contos7 ~]# help help help: help [-dms] [pattern ...] Display information about builtin commands. Displays brief summaries of builtin commands. If PATTERNisspecified, gives detailed help on all commands matching PATTERN, ...
/bin/bash Prompt the user for a directory name, using the echo command as before: echo"Enter new directory name:" Use the built-in read command to fetch user input. The single argument names a variable that the shell will store the input in:...