Example 19 – System uptime and current date Example 20 – Count the number of files What is shell/bash scripting? Bash scripting provides a powerful tool for automating tasks on a Linux system. From utilizing the exit status of shell commands to controlling the flow of a script with if-els...
cd Linux_for_Tegra/rootfs/sudotarxpf http://www.cnblogs.com/sample_fs.tgzsudotarjxpf http://www.cnblogs.com/restricted_binaries.tbz2sudotarjxpf http://www.cnblogs.com/restricted_codecs.tbz2sudotarjxpf http://www.cnblogs.com/nvidia_use_only.tbz2sudotarzxpf http://www.cnblogs.com/tests_outpu...
例如,要进入名为"example"的目录,可以执行以下命令:cd example 确认目录中存在bash脚本文件。可以使用ls命令列出目录中的文件和文件夹。例如,要查看目录中的所有文件和文件夹,可以执行以下命令:ls 执行bash脚本。使用bash命令后跟脚本文件名来执行脚本。例如,如果目录中存在名为"script.sh"的bash脚本文件,可以...
在Unix/Linux系统上,您需要确保脚本文件是可执行的。可以使用chmod命令来实现: chmod +x script_name.sh 这里script_name.sh是您的脚本文件名。 5. 运行脚本 一旦脚本可执行,您可以通过以下方式运行它: ./script_name.sh 或者,如果脚本位于您的PATH之一的目录中: script_name.sh 6. 注释 在脚本中,您可以使用...
Example of addition and subtraction in Bash shell script Bash 中的乘法 现在让我们转向乘法。 这是一个将公里转换为米的示例脚本(这给美国读者带来了麻烦 )。作为参考,1 公里等于 1000 米。 #!/bin/bash read -p "Enter distance in kilometers: " km ...
To put it simply, the bash interpreter reads the bash script and executes the commands at the same time. For example, a Linux user can execute hundreds of commands with a single click instead of inputting them one by one. For this reason, bash scripting is the go-to choice for increasin...
# Clear screen on script exit. trap 'printf \\e[2J\\e[H\\e[m' EXIT 忽略终端中断(CTRL + C,SIGINT) trap '' INT 对窗口调整大小做出反应 # Call a function on window resize. trap 'code_here' SIGWINCH 在每个命令之前做点什么 trap 'code_here' DEBUG ...
BASH 这个程序一般是存放在 /bin 目录下,如果你的 Linux 系统比较特别,bash 也有可能被存放在 /sbin 、/usr/local/bin 、/usr/bin 、/usr/sbin 或 /usr/local/sbin 这样的目录下;如果还找不到,你可以用 “locate bash” “find / -name bash 2> /dev/null” 或 “whereis bash” 这三个命令找出 ...
Include an exception of script in /etc/sudoers With this exception, you won’t need a password to use Sudo in running your scripts. However, this may not be efficient if you have lots of scripts to run. Use your Linux files from Windows!
Now you are ready to execute your first bash script: ./hello_world.sh 2. Simple Backup bash shell script #!/bin/bash tar -czf myhome_directory.tar.gz /home/linuxconfig 3. Variables In this example we declare simple bash variable and print it on the screen ( stdout ) with echo comman...