[alias]- Defines a new string that references an existing command. The name must exclude special characters and the wordsaliasandunalias, which cannot be used as aliases. [command-or-path]- Specifies the command or the path to ascriptthat the alias references. Single quotes separate this eleme...
alias Command in Linux - The alias command is a powerful feature in Linux that allows you to create shortcuts for frequently used commands, making your work more efficient and less prone to errors. You can create a temporary alias using the alias command
Create a Temporary Alias Create a temporary alias by using the alias command followed by the shortcut and the command you want it to replace. For example: alias shortcut="your custom command" For a more concrete example, say you want to create an alias to update and upgrade your system...
In Linux, all the commands are hard to remember and with the nature of the operation, the usage of the command also gets complex. The alias command is mostly used to replace long and complex commands with shorthand so that any command or option errors can be avoided. Syntax of Creating an...
alias ls="ls --color" 下次启动bash时就可以像在Slackware里那样显示彩色的目录列表了, 其中颜色的含义如下: 蓝色–>目录 绿色–>可执行文件 红色–>压缩文件 浅蓝色–>链接文件 灰色–>其他文件 3.cd 语法cd [dirName]用于切换当前工作目录;其中 dirName 表示法可为绝对路径或相对路径。若目录名称省略,则变换...
This tutorial explains linux alias command with syntax and options in details including how to list, set, add, remove, create and delete alias in Linux temporary and permanently step by step with practical examples. Learn how to customize the Linux envir
(xii) alias:This command is used to give your name to a command or a combination of commands. Syntax: alias [-p] [name[=value] … ] For Example,if you want to rename mv command to move, you can do it as follows. Command:alias mv=move ...
Thealiascommand can be useful if you want to create a 'shortcut' to a command. The format isalias name='command' > alias home='cd /home/dave/public_html' This will create an alias called home which will put you in the /home/dave/public_html directory whenever you type home at the...
$ alias shortName="your custom command here" Here is an actual example: $ alias wr=”cd /var/www/html” You can then use"wr"shortcut to go to the webroot directory. The problem with that alias is that it will only be available for your current terminal session. ...
Linux基本命令 一、设置别名 临时别名 #alias 可以列出别名 root@fishman-160 etc]# alias vimens33="vim /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-ens33" #删除别名 [root@fishm