EF-Linq将查询结果转换为List<string> List<int> id_list = new List<int>() { 1 };//测试数据... List<string> guid_list = (fromuinfoindb.UserInfowhereid_list.Contains(uinfo.ID)selectnew{uid=uinfo.Guid}).ToList().Select(u=> u.uid).ToList<string>(); __EOF__ 本文作者: 本文链...
Adding Drag/Drop to a text box Adding Drag/Drop/Resizable Selection Rectangle to Image Editor Adding if condition as if button not clicked Adding Image to the DataTable Adding item to the static class of List Adding Items to enum ! Adding Line Break To DataTable Row Adding List<string> to...
private static voidConversion() {ILookup<string,Racer> racers = (fromrinFormula1.GetChampions()//获得每一个赛手fromcinr.Cars //获得赛手的车子集合,遍历是每一个车子多次获得结果select new{ Car = c, //车子名 Racer = r //这个车手,如果这个车手有多部车子就会出现多个车子名,同一个车手对象的结...
Linq是.NET Framework中的一个功能强大的查询语言,用于对集合进行查询和操作。在Linq中,Select和ToList是两个常用的方法。 1. Linq Select: - 概念...
You can query a string as a sequence of characters in LINQ. This article contains several examples you can use or modify to suit your needs.
selectr).ToList(); //注意先括号再使用.ToList()foreach(varracerinracers) {Console.WriteLine("{0} {0:S}", racer); }} 把返回的对象放在列表中并没有这么简单。 例如,对于集合中从赛车到赛手的快速访问,可以使用新类Lookup<TKey, TElement>。
// Split the text block into an array of sentences.string[] sentences = text.Split(['.','?','!']);// Define the search terms. This list could also be dynamically populated at run time.string[] wordsToMatch = ["Historically","data","integrated"];// Find sentences that contain all...
java stream 将List<Object>转换为 List<String>,类似C#的LINQ的select()方法,javastreammap,实现将对象list转为单属性list。直接上代码。List<String>collect=dataItemList.stream().m
LINQ to SQL支持以下String方法。但是不同的是默认情况下System.String 方法区分大小写。而SQL则不区分大小写。 1.字符串串联(String Concatenation) var q = from c in db.Customers select new { c.CustomerID, Location = c.City + ", " + c.Country ...
recordCity(stringName,longPopulation);recordCountry(stringName,doubleArea,longPopulation, List<City> Cities);recordProduct(stringName,stringCategory); C# staticreadonlyCity[] cities = [newCity("Tokyo",37_833_000),newCity("Delhi",30_290_000),newCity("Shanghai",27_110_000),newCity("São Pa...