First Returns first item in list. Last Returns last item in list. Range (static) Creates list of numbers, within a specified range. start, length Add Adds element to list. item AddRange Adds each item in given list. items RemoveAt Removes item from list by index. index Remove Removes it...
(stringiteminscoreQuery) { Console.WriteLine(item); } Console.WriteLine("{0} total names in list", scoreQuery.Count());/* Output: Merge two spreadsheets: Omelchenko, 97, 92, 81, 60 O'Donnell, 75, 84, 91, 39 Mortensen, 88, 94, 65, 91 Garcia, 97, 89, 85, 82 Garcia...
foreach(variteminquary.ToList()) {//取值item} 2、Where条件筛选。 //将provice=吉林的筛选出来。list = list.Where(x => x.provice =="吉林").ToList();//将包含1,5条件的数据筛选出来,相当于sql里的in用法:select * from 表 where user_type in (1,5)list= list.Where(a =>"1,5".Cont...
list of ints for the ExamScores member. The first item// is skipped in the split string because it is the student ID,// not an exam score.IEnumerable<Student> queryNamesScores =fromnameLineinnamesletsplitName = nameLine.Split(',')fromscoreLineinscoresletsplitScore...
ctx.T_Score.DeleteOnSubmit(item); } ctx.T_Student.DeleteOnSubmit(list3); ctx.SubmitChanges(); //还可以推理删除,推理删除需要用Remove方法。由于表的设计不是很完善,这里就不给演示了 //对于在不同的上下文间,需要使用attach方法进行更新,如在一个上下文中查出一个叫黄阳的学生和它的各科成绩,在另一个上下...
First/FirstOrDefault: 返回第一个元素。 Single/SingleOrDefault: 返回单个元素。 Aggregate: 对序列中的元素执行累积操作。 以下是一个使用方法语法的示例,从一个字符串列表中选择长度大于3的字符串并按长度升序排序: 代码语言:javascript 复制 varstrings=newList<string>{"apple","banana","grape","orange","kiw...
(aw +"Child2",2),newXElement(aw +"Child3",3),newXElement(aw +"Child4",4),newXElement(aw +"Child5",5),newXElement(aw +"Child6",6) ); XElement xmlTree2 =newXElement(aw +"Root",fromelinxmlTree1.Elements()where((int)el >=3&& (int)el <=5)selectel ); Console.WriteLine...
To begin with, I can use XLinq to extract the Key and Definition from the XML string, instead of the more cumbersome XPath I used initially: 复制 XElement item = XElement.Parse( Globals.ThisAddIn.serviceClient.GetDefinition(e.ButtonName)); String keyText = (string)item.Element("Key");...
If you prefer a more functional approach, you can useMatch()to specify the value returned when the collection has values and when it's empty. Here's how to use it to define the previous behavior ofFirst()andFirstOrDefault(): varfirst=source.AsValueEnumerable().First().Match(item=>item...