where sub.ToList().FindAll((s) => s.Active==true).Count>0 select e;foreach (var item in result) { Console.WriteLine(item.Name); } } } }Friday, February 18, 2011 6:11 AMHi and thanks for the answer!I tried the same code and runtime I got the error:LINQ to Entities does ...
IEnumerable<TSource> exclude, Func<TSource, TKey> keySelector) { var excludedSet = new HashSet<TKey>(exclude.Select(keySelector)); return source.Where(item => !excludedSet.Contains(keySelector(item))); } } 你可以这样使用 list1.Exclude(list2, i => i.ID); 通过拥有@BrianT 拥有的代...
Get next item from List using the current selected item get only first two lines from multiline string using regex Get PCI bus, device, function??? Get pixels from a BitmapSource image using CopyPixels() method Get Process ID from Window Title Get programs currently present in the taskbar....
我在使用iif语句的查询中遇到问题,如下所示:要排除的项目: IIf(Is this FAC="No",ID2,IIf((Is this FAC="Yes") And (ID2="CsaId"),"False",ID2)) 上面的'Items to Exclude‘字段应该填充ID2,其中'Is this FAC’字段是(1) No OR (2)是,而ID2不是'CsaId‘。当使用上面的公式运行查询时,根据...
在C#和LINQ中,删除多条记录时可以通过以下步骤最小化代码量: 1. 确定要删除的记录的条件:首先,确定要删除的记录的条件,例如根据特定的属性或条件筛选出要删除的记录。 2. 使用LINQ查询:...
(); identifiedList1.Where(_ => !identifiedList2.Select(__ => __.Item1).Contains(_.Item1)).ToList().ForEach(_ => { result.Add(Tuple.Create<T1, T2>(_.Item2, default(T2))); }); result.AddRange( identifiedList1.Join(identifiedList2, left => left.Item1, right => right.Item...
<ContentTypeName="项目"Class="FormItem"/> </List> <ExcludeOtherLists/> <ContentTypeName="项目"Class="Item"> <ColumnName="Created"Member="Created"/> <ColumnName="Modified"Member="Modified"/> <ColumnName="ContentType"Member="ContentType"/> ...
var sql= (from u in db.USER join c in db.CONSULT on u.IdUser equals c.IdUser select new Usuers { IdUser = c.IdUser, DateCreate=c.DateCreate, IdTypeConsult = c.IdTypeConsult, Sex=u.Sex }).ToList().Distinct(new UsuersComparer); ...