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B+TwMFN3DQTbOwI1FQJaZC+Dszj9VQP+qgfELNwS2PArA4 G7pWRG38DB2JofOpgA4C3ZP0GiXScs91Xkj7l5zpCF/jhjM+JyUO1+60aqRzfKqqXrw0yyq4K8S4 Yjr11ViJW5a3zA1cx7oaPYKKrWRtOxukppsYaaPS3RqhCLbr0TVlZnDcYtRCeBNS7U86Nhp5Rk3F /1+0aSy5cYV1caToGUFFiRjERMLGaa2trVY4IPPtIJfTD29pl1deAbBUfY7WTk7NmvR...
Parameter Lp Cp M L1,L2 fp UL-req Value 50 µH 60 nF 12.9 µH 150 µH 91 kHz 16 V Parameter Ls Cs E RL fd ut Value 50 µH 61 nF 20 V 10 Ω 10 MHz 0.5 V ParaLmp eter CLpp MCp 5V0aμluHe 5600 μnFH 126.09 nμFH ParaLms eter CLss CEs 5V0aμluHe 5601 μ...
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This chapter reviews current data on diagnostic immunohistochemistry of germ cell tumors (GCT), analyzing stage-specific pluripotentiality markers as well as organ-specific ones. The genes and developmental role of each antibody are discussed, and a hand
Such identity documents for review are specified in the law as well and include e.g., a passport, but also a drivers license. See Art. 1 para. 1 Wet Identificatieplicht. 44. See, e.g., College van Procureurs-generaal,Aanwijzing Uitbreiding Identificatieplicht, 2009A024, 14 December ...
Nepal is rapidly urbanizing. Until 2014, only 20% of the total population lived in urban areas, but in 2015, over 65% of people were classified as urban dwellers with the promulgation of the constitution of the Federal Republic of Nepal (FRN). Many rural areas are annexed together to meet...
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