Oorzaken zijn verminderde stabiliteit van de hoofdligging (slappe buikwand bij multipara, bekkenvernauwing, placenta praevia, vroeggeboorte, schedelafwijkingen van het kind) en verhoogde stabiliteit van stuitligging (oligohydramnion, strakke buikwand bij nullipara, onvolkomen stuitligging, soms ...
Abdel Kader, M.M., Angel, H., Kamel, G. et al.: Untersuchungen über die hepato-portale Hämodynamik und Leberfunktion bei Herzerkrankungen. Dtsch. Gesundheitswes.27, 1458–1462 (1972). CASGoogle Scholar Aburano, T., Tonami, N., Hisada, K,: Combined examinations of hepatic tumor. Pr...
B+TwMFN3DQTbOwI1FQJaZC+Dszj9VQP+qgfELNwS2PArA4 G7pWRG38DB2JofOpgA4C3ZP0GiXScs91Xkj7l5zpCF/jhjM+JyUO1+60aqRzfKqqXrw0yyq4K8S4 Yjr11ViJW5a3zA1cx7oaPYKKrWRtOxukppsYaaPS3RqhCLbr0TVlZnDcYtRCeBNS7U86Nhp5Rk3F /1+0aSy5cYV1caToGUFFiRjERMLGaa2trVY4IPPtIJfTD29pl1deAbBUfY7WTk7NmvR...
oRdeufelraetniocne ([F1M4]) wstuoudlidedafafenctinthdeurcetsivoenaanncde coafpthaeciptiovwe ecrotmrabninsfeedr rpeasroanlalenlt tcriarncusmitsi.ssRioefneroefncpeo[w14e]rsatundieddaatan, iwndhuercetivdeaatandiscatrpaancsifteivrerecdomvibaintehde parasllietilctcrapnsamcitiassnicoens,obfupt ...
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Guttmacher, A.F.: The incidence of multiple births in man and some of the other unipara. Obstet. Gynecol. 2:22–35, 1953. PubMed CAS Google Scholar Hagay, Z.J., Mazor, M. and Leiberman, J.R.: Multiple pregnancy complicated by a single intrauterine fetal death. Obstet. Gynecol. ...
selten paraösophageale Hiatushernie mit Verlagerung von Magenanteilen neben die Speiseröhre in den Thoraxraum, dadurch normale Lage der Kardia und funktionierender unterer Ösophagussphinkter (Extremvariante: »Upside-down-Stomach«, Thoraxmagen) ...
Fernandes S, Paracchini S, Meyer LH, Floridia G, Tyler M, Smith C, Vogt PH (2004) A large AZFc deletion removes and nearby genes from men in Y haplogroup N. Am J Hum Genet 74:180–187 PubMed CAS Google Scholar Fiddler M, Pergament E (1996) Germline gene therapy: its time is ...
The clinical term “testicular tumor” is an umbrella term for all intrascrotal masses regardless of their actual anatomic location. In fact, some 90 % of tumors in the scrotum arise in the testis [1], and at least 90 % of them belong to the group of germ cell tumors (GCTs), the ...
Such identity documents for review are specified in the law as well and include e.g., a passport, but also a drivers license. See Art. 1 para. 1 Wet Identificatieplicht. 44. See, e.g., College van Procureurs-generaal,Aanwijzing Uitbreiding Identificatieplicht, 2009A024, 14 December ...