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Collection ofP. resedaeformisfrom separate submarine canyons allowed us to examine whether corals of the same species in different locations contained distinctive microbial communities. We expected theP. resedaeformispopulations to have similar microbiomes based on a study ofAnthothelacoral microbiomes ...
* struct nlattr **attrbuf * struct list_head ops_list * struct list_head family_list 以上的三个字段为私有字段,由系统自动配置,开发者不需要做配置。 in Norpix .SEQ formatTracklinkUSBL positional information from ...
PACS:89.75.Fb,8975.Hc,89.20.Ff 1.Introduction Predictingmissinglinksinvolvesestimatingthe likelihoodofexistingyetunknownconnectionsbe— tweenagents.Thisproblemhasattractedincreas— ingattentionduetothetheoreticalsignificanceand potentialapplicationsinminingdataaboutnetwork ...
Barplot illustrating the absolute value of the log fold change (LFC) abundances for the ten most significantly abundant KEGG pathways, for the indicators of natural logarithm of residual variance (LnVar) and area under the curve for periods with consecutive negative errors (MaxArea). KEGG pathways...
This chapter examines the tropes of gendered violence in contemporary vampire fiction for girls. Illuminating the persistence of narratives that represent violence as inconsequential, forgivable and a prelude to romance, it first analyses male-on-female