Share on Facebook doited (ˈdɔɪtɪd)or doitit adj Scotfoolish or childish, as from senility [C15: probably fromdotento dote] Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 201...
Kids have a difficult time sti cking with a "difficult to understand" topic an d ten d to allow themselves to be distracted(分散精力), to tune out an d switch over t o Facebook or using their cell phones rather th an working harder at understanding a difficu t subject or problem. ...
Opslaan Toevoegen aan verzamelingen Toevoegen aan plan Share via Facebook LinkedIn E-mail Afdrukken EnvironmentColors.HelpHowDoITaskLinkColorKey Property Artikel 12/07/2014 In dit artikel Syntax .NET Framework Security See Also Namespace: Microsoft.VisualStudio.PlatformUI Assembly: Microsoft...
PageSideBarExpanderChevronBrushKey (Propiedad) PageSideBarExpanderChevronColorKey (Propiedad) PageSideBarExpanderHeaderBrushKey (Propiedad) PageSideBarExpanderHeaderColorKey (Propiedad) PageSideBarExpanderHeaderHoverBrushKey (Propiedad) PageSideBarExpanderHeaderHoverColorKey (Propiedad) PageSideBarExpanderHe...
Although the time synchronization problem has been solved in common networks, it requires to be reconsidered in WSN. First, such networks are energy constraint, so the time synchronization protocol must be energy efficient. Second, nodes in sensor networks communicate with each other via multi-hop ...
A numerical attribute is generated for each word stem that is not in the list of stopwords and occurs at least ten times in one class. The value can be zero if the word stem cannot be found in a song's lyrics. Otherwise, if the word occurs, the number of occurrences is ignored, and...
Materials and methods Animals and diets Ninety male piglets (Duroc × Landrace × Yorkshire) (42 days old) with similar initial weights were randomly divided into three groups. Each group had three replicates with ten pigs per replicate. All pigs were fed ad libitum. The experiment was approved...
It is well known that human speech contains not only the linguistic content, but also the emotion of the speaker. The emotion may play a key role in many applications like in entertainment electronics to gather emotional user behaviors, in Automatic Speech Recognition to resolve "how it was sai...
mathematical properties. However, its applications in computer vision and machine learning have appeared rather recently. Turaga et al. [9] demonstrated the use of computer vision applications such as video-based face recognition, activity recognition, and image set-based object recognition on the ...