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While MRI is an imaging method of first choice in almost all parts of the human body its acceptance for thoracic imaging is rather low even today. One of the reasons is of course that CT has developed dramatically. Multidetector spiral technique (MDCT) a
Requisitos del Bono Techo Propio Dado que el programaTecho Propiotiene como fin apoyar en la adquisición de casa propia para los ciudadanos (ya sea en modalidad deconstrucción, compra o mejora de vivienda), hay ciertos requisitos que se deben ...
While outcomes in cancer patients have dramatically improved with the development of novel cancer chemotherapy and combination treatment, this is nonetheless associated with emerging concerns over drug-induced cardiotoxicity. Moreover, the recent incorpo
In the last few decades, several steps forward have been made in the prevention, diagnosis, and treatment of lung cancer. The advent of innovative therapies significantly improved both survival outcomes and quality of life of patients with advanced non-s
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Pediatric Neurosurgery, Santobono-Pausilipon Children’s Hospital, Naples, Italy Giuseppe Cinalli MD Pediatric Neurosurgery, Hôpital Necker-Enfants Malades, Paris, France Christian Sainte-Rose MD Pediatric Neurosurgery, Royal Children’s Hospital, Melbourne, Australia ...
The mammary gland arises in the ventral ectoderm in embryonic life. Similarities in mammary gland development, structure and function between monotremes, marsupials and eutherian mammals suggest a common ancestry and support the possibility that the ther