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Item in his contractibus alter alteri obligatur in id quod alterum alteri ex bono et aequo praestare oportet, cum alioquin in verborum obligationibus alius stipuletur, alius promittat.” The importance of the consensual contracts, with special reference to sale, has been carefully underlined by ...
4. During the academic year 1533–1534, Charles V visited the city of Salamanca and its University. Ramón Hernández Martín states that at the same time as the commentary to theDe legibus, the Emperor attended alectiogiven by Vitoria (precisely, on Friday 19th June 1534). See Hernández M...
ConstitutionTags "New Due Process Army" ("NDPA"), Congress, Due Process, EOIR, immigration, Immigration Court, Immigration Crisis, Immigration Detention, immigrationcourtside, Legal Orientation Program ("LOP"), Paul Wickham Schmidt, politics, Pro Bono Representation, Round Table of Former Immigration ...
Ottobre 17, 2024 – Michela Chioso – La Prefettura di Milano ospita la presentazione del volume “Pro bono communi. Scritti in onore di Carlo...leggi tutto » Baretzky Responds to Rutte’s Claims: No Real Difference for Ukraine on the Battlefield – The Nuclear Risk Is the Real Threat...
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il capitolo sottolinea le sfide affrontate dalle donne e ed enfatizza il ruolo centrale che riflessioni sull’uguaglianza di genere debbono avere per favorire politiche ambientali efficaci e inclusive. La discussione principale si sposta quindi sull’analisi dell’adozione da parte del progetto OIN ...