The lineweights are showing up in the Model space, but not showing in Layout 1. I've made the lines really thick in the model space just in case it was the scale that wasn't set up right in the layout space, but that hasn't seemed to work either! Really frustrating. I am still...
The lineweights in the current layout are scaled in proportion to the designated plot scale. When you are working in the Model tab, this option is not available. Click OK. In the Page Setup Manager, click Close. Related ConceptsAbout...
You can scale lineweights proportionately in a layout with the plot scale. Typically, lineweights specify the line width of plotted objects and are plotted with the line width size regardless of the plot scale. Most often, you use the default plot scale of 1:1 when plotting a layout. ...
I have gone around and around in circles trying to come up with a satisfactory solution for obtaining a high quality (vector, NOT raster) plot in a hidden style that will respect line weight. Basically, I can get the layout to look great in paper space, but I cannot generate a plot ...