So after completing the drawing in model, I wanted to plot it using the layout. But in the layout all the lineweights were of the same thickness. All
I'm having real issues trying to get my lineweights to show up in the Layout Space. I've seen loads of posts on here asking the same question, I've tried all the solutions on here correctly (I think), but nothing seems to have worked. I'm not hugely experienced with AutoCAD but ...
Alternately, you can use a modified .ctb file for that layout. Upvote 0 Downvote Aug 8, 2011 Thread starter #4 pracslipkerm Mechanical Dec 17, 2008 58 Thanks Guys, I ended up doing a test using an xref and changing the layer properties in the child drawing. This gave me ...
Lineweight is set by Device Space, so it displays the same thickness when you zoom in and out in AutoCAD (as it does in AutoCAD Map 3D toolset). PolylineWidth is set by Model/Map Space, so it will get smaller or larger as you zoom. Lineweight displays rounded ends and joins (as do...
"PaulE" wrote in message Running AutoCAD LT 2006, up to date as far as I know. I am an amateur at AutoCAD and have learned to create Layouts. When I create a new "layout", a viewport is created on the Defpoints layer as far as I ...
Autodesk Community AutoCAD Community AutoCAD Forum plot with lineweight Options plot with lineweightAnonymous 02-02-2021 11:34 AM hello. I'm working on my final project for college, and for some reason ONLY ONE layout (out of 20) won't plot to PDF with the correct lineweight... it its...