A line item budget is a financial planning tool that lists projected revenues and expenses for a specific period, with each type of income and expenditure detailed in separate lines. This format allows for easy tracking, management, and adjustment of organizational funds, enhancing transparency and ...
行項目の予算間隔は、行項目の配列内budget_intervalsのフィールドをparent_interval_id介して挿入順序の間隔に関連付けられます。コピー $ cat line-item { "line-item": { "name": "Lauren's Line Item", "state": "inactive", "insertion_orders": [ { "id": 238174 } ], "budget_...
Note: For ALIs, be sure to use this field (and not the one in the budget_intervals array) to set the line item's time zone.Default: "UTC" or advertiser's timezoneMigration Notes: NO CHANGEFor ALIs, be sure to use this field (and not the one in the budget_intervals array) to ...
PjFileFormat PjFillPattern PjFilterViewType PjFormatUnit PjGanttBarLink PjGridline PjGroupOn PjIMEMode PjImportMethods PjIndicator PjInformationTab PjIsCommandEnabled PjItemType PjJobType PjLayoutMode PjLayoutScheme PjLegacyFileFormats PjLegend PjLevelOrder PjLevelPeriodBasis PjLevelSelectedOption PjLine...
A DNS record creation command takes a number of options in the format civo domain record create domain_id [options] and the options are this.Options: -n, --name string the name of the record -p, --priority int the priority of record only for MX record -t, --ttl int The TTL of ...
URI:http://hdl.handle.net/11258/37677 Date:date unknown Show full item record Files in this item Name:33 Budget Line Items Forecast for 2011 date unknown.pdf Size:2.213Mb Format:PDF Access Searchable PDF This item appears in the following Collection(s) 2007-2013[300]...
NameValue dataFormat string isNullable trueTraitsList of traits for the TaxWithholdAlternateVendorAcct_TH attribute are listed below. is.dataFormat.character is.dataFormat.big is.dataFormat.array is.nullable The attribute value may be set to NULL. is.dataFormat.charac...
Represents the current properties and state of price adjustments on an OrderItemSummary. Corresponds to one or more order item adjustment line item objects, consisting of an original object and any change objects applicable to it. This object
That being said, make sure your budget is realistic and aim to allocate enough funds to fit into the above price ranges. When it comes to editing, the question you should ask yourself is this: Do I want my book handled right the first time? Or do I want to go back a second time ...
--app-launch-url-for-shortcuts-menu-item 用指定的URL覆盖应用程序的启动URL。它与kAppId一起使用,以使用与应用程序快捷菜单中某个项目对应的url启动给定应用程序。 --app-mode-auth-code --force-app-mode的GAIA验证码的值。 --app-mode-oauth-token --force-app-mode的OAuth2刷新令牌的值。 --app-mode...