Opinions expressed in the examples do not represent those of Merriam-Webster or its editors. Send us feedback. Under the receivership, security costs at each building were about $33,000 per month, the largest line item in the budget. Liam Dillon, Los Angeles Times, 5 Nov. 2024 Neither ...
同学你好,很高兴为您解答!分项式预算 按支出性质分类列出项目的预算,如工资、附加福利、差旅费等。马上就要2015年下半年CMA资格考试了,在这里祝大家好好考试,每个人都超常发挥,取得好成绩!希望我的回答能帮助您解决问题,如您满意,请采纳为最佳答案哟。再次感谢您的提问,更多财会问题欢迎提交给高顿...
budget line 预算线 line item appropriation 分项拨款,分项经费 below the line item 线下收支,线下项目 base line budget 基线预算 budget brigade delay line 【计】 戽斗链延迟线 相似单词 item n. 1. 条,条款;项,项目;条目 2.(新闻等的)一条;一则 3. 情侣;性伴侣 adv. 1.(列举项目时)又,...
base line budget基线预算 budget brigade delay line【计】 戽斗链延迟线 相似单词 itemn. 1. 条,条款;项,项目;条目 2.(新闻等的)一条;一则 3. 情侣;性伴侣 adv. 1.(列举项目时)又,同上,同样地 vt. 1.【古语】逐条记载;逐条列出;逐条登录 ...
A line item budget is a financial planning tool that lists projected revenues and expenses for a specific period, with each type of income and expenditure detailed in separate lines. This format allows for easy tracking, management, and adjustment of organizational funds, enhancing transparency and ...
Line Item Budget - Introduction Budget is a blueprint consisting of the past financial information and future anticipated business outlays of the company. This financial report is prepared by companies of all sizes to know where they stand when compared
Create a Line Item Budget Line item budgets help businesses, entrepreneurs and heads of households to track and monitor available funds, revenues and expenses by type. The accounting tool can be created to reflect year over year differences between same expenditure types or to reflect the difference...
The pacing bar shows how much of the line item budget has been spent. The bold black number that appears across the pacing bar shows the number of impressions or amount of dollar spend that has actually occurred for the line item. The gray number below the pacing bar shows the lifetime ...
line item budget 搜索 词条搜索全文检索 在这里读懂会计 已有3730用户贡献34208词条 编辑次数:0次 | 最近更新:2007/8/23|历史版本 费用项目预算 词条标签 会计英文词汇
Friis, I., & Hansen, A. (2015). Line-item budgeting and film- production: Exploring some benefits of budget constraints on creativity. Qualitative Research in Accounting & Management, 12(4), 321-345. doi:10.1108/QRAM-01- 2015-0016