Using daily data of stocks that allowed margin trading and traded on A-share and main board market, we investigate the difference in the up limit in stock prices between different stocks during the boom of the China's stock market in 2015,and we also explore the reason behind the difference...
1.Themaximumamountofpricechangeafutures contractisallowedtoundergoon agiventrading day.Limitsaremandatedbytheexchangesonwhichfuturescontractstrade,andexistinordertoreducevolatilityinthemarket. It isalsocalledatradinglimit. 2.Themaximumnumberoftransactionsincommoditiesthatanindividualmaymakeon anexchangeon agiventra...
Price limit and volatility in Taiwan stock exchange: Some additional evidence from the extreme value approach [J]. Review of Pacific Basin Financial Markets and Policies, 2007, 10(1) :51-61.Price Limit and Volatility in Taiwan Stock Exchange: Some Additional Evidence from the Extreme Value ...
We find that results from the SSE are consistent with conventional wisdom that stock market volatility is reduced as a result of the use of price limit. Secondly, trading volume increased significantly when stocks hit the daily price limit, and such behaviour will continue in the subsequent days...
order是一个trigger,触发条件, limit order是你严格限制的价格,券商只能按照你设置的limit price来买卖...
stop order,limit order和stop-limit order的区别:1、止损单(stop order):这是一种当买方出价或卖方要价抵达预定价位时自动清仓的指令。2、限价停损单 ( stop-limit order ):此种委托单结合了限价买单 ( Buy Limit Order ) 以及限价卖单 ( Sell Limit Order ) 二种形式。当股票达到一特定价格...
Price limit change and magnet effect: The role of investor attention 2023, Finance Research Letters Citation Excerpt : Similarly, Cho et al. (2003) and Hsieh et al. (2007, 2009) also find a magnet effect in the Chinese Taiwan stock market. In other emerging markets, the magnet effect also...
Narrow price limit and stock price volatility in emerging markets: Empirical evidence from Amman stock exchange. The International Journal of ... RS Al-Khouri,MM Ajlouni - 《Social Science Electronic Publishing》 被引量: 0发表: 0年 The impact of trading volume on stock price volatility in the...
Day Trading Introduction Definition A limit order in the financial markets is a direction to purchase or sell a stock or other security at a specified price or better. What Is a Limit Order? A limit order in the financial markets is a direction to purchase or sell a stock or other securit...
Day Trading Introduction Definition A limit order in the financial markets is a direction to purchase or sell a stock or other security at a specified price or better. What Is a Limit Order? A limit order in the financial markets is a direction to purchase or sell a stock or other securit...