1. Thepriceabove or below which one is willing or not willing tobuyorsellasecurity. For example, one may wish to buy astockif the price drops to $20 per share, hold if the price goes above $40, or sell at $30. Both cases represent limit prices. Aninvestortells his/herbrokerany app...
1、止损单(stop order):这是一种当买方出价或卖方要价抵达预定价位时自动清仓的指令。2、限价停损单 ( stop-limit order ):此种委托单结合了限价买单 ( Buy Limit Order ) 以及限价卖单 ( Sell Limit Order ) 二种形式。当股票达到一特定价格时,限价停损委托单便被使用。3、limit order包括...
所以stop limit order就是给你更多的控制权,你设定2个价格stop price和limit price,当达到stop price...
Therefore, the new sell order will immediately trade with the current best bid and is taking the market. [释义] limit sell price 54.62 指股价在54.62以上才卖股票, 而刚好现在市场是54.62 bid,所以订单可以以best bid马上成交,这是take the market。
When market price is equal to or less thanstoplimit price,your sell orders will be sent to market. htisec.com htisec.com 當市場報價低於或等如止損價格,你的賣出指示便會提交給交易市場。 htisec.com htisec.com Therefore, it is possible the stock could trade atthelimit priceandyour AON Order ...
2、限价停损单 ( stop-limit order ):此种委托单结合了限价买单 ( Buy Limit Order ) 以及限价卖单 ( Sell Limit Order ) 二种形式。当股票达到一特定价格时,限价停损委托单便被使用。范例: 假设说李阿姨今天下的是一张卖100股通用汽车(GM)公司股票的订单当其股票价格在美金$50元。只要这家...
Market orders represent the simplest way to trade stocks—you're effectively saying, "buy (or sell) this stock now at whatever the present price is." When you place a market order, your broker will execute it as quickly as possible at the best available price. ...
is designed to close a trade once it reaches a specific profit level. When the stock price hits your target, the order executes automatically, locking in your gains. For example, if you buy a stock at $50 and set a take-profit order at $60, the order will sell the stock once it re...
Trade sizePrice variationTrading strategyThis study examines the relationships among price limit changes, order submission decisions, and stock returns in the Taiwan Stock Exchange. Specifically, we first investigate whether price limit changes affect overall investors' order aggressiveness and trade size. ...
We investigate trade price and limit order price clustering on Euronext, a european stock market which is based on a computerized limit order book. We find evidence of widespread and pervasive trade price and limit order price clustering at increments of five and ten cents. Thus, investors appear...