Stitch, also known as Experiment 626, is an illegal genetic experiment created by Jumba Jookiba, one of the titular protagonists of the Lilo & Stitch franchise alongside Lilo, and the most prominent lead character of the franchise overall, appearing in all major media. His original primary funct...
627: Experiment 627: Directed by Mike Girard, Don MacKinnon. With Daveigh Chase, David Ogden Stiers, Chris Sanders, Jeff Bennett. Fed up with Stitch's inflated ego, Jumba activates Stitch's immediate successor, 627, who is much more powerful than Stitch,
Experiment 626 has entered the chat! The live-action #LiloAndStitch is coming only to theaters in Summer 2025!— Walt Disney Studios (@DisneyStudios) August 10, 2024Admittedly, the design for Stitch shown off in this video is rather uncanny and somewhat terrifying...
627: Experiment 627 Lilo & Stitch: The Series Edit Runtime 21m Aspect ratio 1.33 : 1 1.78 : 1 Contribute to this page Suggest an edit or add missing content IMDb Answers: Help fill gaps in our data Learn more about contributing
Want to wear matching t-shirts for couples to Disneyland or Walt Disney World? Nothing says love like Experiment 624 and Experiment 626. Available in an adult and kids t-shirt, premium t-shirt, long sleeve tee, and hoodie. Magic in the details ...
when Stitch — or "Experiment 626" as his creator dubs him — was rejected as an "affront to nature" by the leaders of the Galactic Federation, I was worried that moral concerns relating to biotech issues and the creation of life would get a raw deal (after all, isn’t Stitch the her...
stitch! experiment 626 has escaped the lab again, and this time he's taken the form of our exclusive planter. the highly detailed ceramic sculpt is modeled after the chaotic alien stitch, or as he is better known across the universe, experiment 626. the figurine features a disproportionate, ...
首頁 > 電影頻道 > Lilo & Stitch Lilo & StitchPG 類型: 動畫 上映中: 沒有上映日資訊。0.0 Dr. Jumba Jookiba is put on trial by the galactic governing body for illegal genetic experiments, including Experiment 626, an aggressive and cunning creature that is nearly indestructible. Jumba is ...
Lilo & Stitch: The Series Stitch! Stitch & Ai Games Game Boy Advance Trouble in Paradise Stitch: Experiment 626 Hämsterviel Havoc Stitch Jam more... Universe Experiments Stitch Reuben Angel Sparky Leroy more... Lilo & Stitch Characters Lilo Nani Jumba Pleakle...
More photos and footage from the set ofLilo & Stitchhave been revealed, and this time it's the turn of Experiment 626 to take centre stage...or his stand-in, at least. The alien is going to be brought to life on screen with VFX, but as with most projects with a CG lead, a phy...