Stitch, also known as Experiment 626, is an illegal genetic experiment created by Jumba Jookiba, one of the titular protagonists of the Lilo & Stitch franchise alongside Lilo, and the most prominent lead character of the franchise overall, appearing in all major media. His original primary funct...
Want to wear matching t-shirts for couples to Disneyland or Walt Disney World? Nothing says love like Experiment 624 and Experiment 626. Available in an adult and kids t-shirt, premium t-shirt, long sleeve tee, and hoodie. Magic in the details ...
Lilo & Stitch Stitch Has a Glitch The Origin of Stitch Stitch! The Movie Leroy & Stitch TV Series Lilo & Stitch: The Series Stitch! Stitch & Ai Games Game Boy Advance Trouble in Paradise Stitch: Experiment 626 Hämsterviel Havoc Stitch Jam more... Universe Exper...
627: Experiment 627: Directed by Mike Girard, Don MacKinnon. With Daveigh Chase, David Ogden Stiers, Chris Sanders, Jeff Bennett. Fed up with Stitch's inflated ego, Jumba activates Stitch's immediate successor, 627, who is much more powerful than Stitch,
627: Experiment 627 Lilo & Stitch: The Series Edit Runtime 21m Aspect ratio 1.33 : 1 1.78 : 1 Contribute to this page Suggest an edit or add missing content IMDb Answers: Help fill gaps in our data Learn more about contributing
When Lilo and Stitch are informed by Nosy that all the experiments captured by Gantu are imprisoned in his ship, the two plan a rescue mission to free them. However, they accidentally activate an experiment designed to destroy complex plans. As Lilo and Stitch form a rescue team regardless, ...
lilo and stitch stitch 迪士尼 This Lilo & Stitch 壁纸 might contain 彩色玻璃窗, 彩色玻璃窗口, 动漫, 漫画书, 漫画, 卡通, and 漫画卡通. Stitch added byIvy_76 Lilo and Stitch 壁纸 added byIsisRain Source: 迪士尼 Stitch & 天使 hugging ...
experiment 258 lilo & stitch: the series it looks like we don't have any metacritic reviews for this title yet. be the first to contribute. more from this title more to explore recently viewed you have no recently viewed pages get the imdb app sign in for more access sign in for more...
"The best I can tell you about Tickletummy/Wormhole is that Jumba's genius does not extend to keeping a tidy database. There is some confusion in his records regarding Tickletummy, Wormhole, and a third experiment named Mamf, with different lists giving different numbers for them. Perhaps it...
"Lilo & Stitch: The Series" Bugby: Experiment 128 (TV Episode 2005) - Parents guide and Certifications from around the world.