A Likert scale is a unidimensional scale that researchers use to collect respondents' attitudes and opinions. Learn more about Likert scales.
For example, suppose a customer is rating different aspects of your product, service, or business on a Likert scale of 1 to 10. In that case, most of the answers will fall in the center (4-7), with only a few being rated highly (8-10) or lower (1-3)....
A scale can be created as the simple sum of questionnaire responses over the full range of the scale. In so doing, Likert scaling assumes distances between each item are equal. Importantly, "All items are assumed to be replications of each other or ...
A Likert scale is the total of all the responses a survey gathers. There can be more than one Likert item in a Likert scale survey. Here is an example:In this survey, four statements related to a topic come one by one as the respondent answers each question. Each of these statements ...
In this guide, we’ll cover everything you need to know about likert scales, from what a likert scale is to how it works, and how you can use it.
This scale has no midpoint. For example, employees may be surveyed on their working conditions. In an even-numbered Likert scale, the point values may be: strongly agree (SA) = 5, agree (A) = 4, disagree (D) = 2, strongly disagree (SD) = 1. Notice the midpoint, undecided (U)...
A 5 point Likert scale can be used to rate scale items (i.e. a score of 1 means strongly disagree and a score of 5 means strongly agree) resulting in a numerical format for individual agreements. An example of scale item could be –“The left iliac crest is visualised adequately”. ...
likertscaleacquiescenceitemscalesinterval LikertscaleFromWikipedia,thefreeencyclopediaALikertscale(pronounced/?l?k?rt/,[1]also/?l§Ñ?k?rt/)isapsychometricscalecommonlyusedinquestionnaires,andisthemostwidelyusedscaleinsurveyresearch,suchthatthetermisoftenusedinterchangeablywithratingscaleeventhoughthetwoarenotsyn...
Step 1: rate a single attitude or trait Make sure each Likert scale question focuses on measuring one specific aspect of the topic. This prevents confusion. More importantly, it delivers accurate results. For example, when evaluating attitudes toward environmentally friendly behavior, design questions...
And bear in mind that a simple numerical response is not a Likert Scale. The qualitative description is required. A numerical answer makes sense in some situations, but is not a Likert scale (i.e. On a scale of 1-10, how satisfied were you with our service?)...