Keyboard shortcuts Останнє оновлення: 14 жовт. 2024 р. List of keyboard shortcuts you can use to work faster in Adobe Photoshop Lightroom Classic. Keys for working with panels Result Windows macOS Show/hide side panels Tab Tab Show/hide all panels Shift + ...
Keyboard shortcutsUtoljára frissítve: 2024. okt. 14. List of keyboard shortcuts you can use to work faster in Adobe Photoshop Lightroom Classic.Keys for working with panelsResult Windows macOS Show/hide side panels Tab Tab Show/hide all panels Shift + Tab Shift + Tab ...
Hide current module shortcuts Click Click Go to current module Help Ctrl + Alt + / Command + Option + Shift + / Open Community Help F1 F1 Have a question or an idea? If you have a question to ask or an idea to share, come and participate in theAdobe Lightroom Classic community. We...
List of keyboard shortcuts you can use to work faster in Adobe Photoshop Lightroom Classic. Keys for working with panels Result Windows macOS Show/hide side panels Tab Tab Show/hide all panels Shift + Tab Shift + Tab Show/hide toolbar T T Show/hide Module Picker F5 F5 Show/hide...
Keyboard shortcuts Content Authenticity Lightroom and Adobe services Troubleshooting Technical Support Performance Guidelines Technical issues GPU Issues Troubleshoot graphics processor (GPU) and graphics driver issues | Lightroom Classic Lightroom Classic GPU FAQ Startup Issues Rendering Issue...
Organize photos in Lightroom Classic Process and develop photos Viewing photos Export photos Work with external editors Manage catalogs and files Maps Photo books Slideshows Print photos Web galleries Keyboard shortcuts Content Authenticity Lightroom and Adobe services Troubleshooting ...
Set preferences for working in Lightroom Classic Tìm hiểu thêm Keyboard shortcuts Tìm hiểu thêm Need help with your plan? Forgot your Adobe ID or password? Your Adobe ID is the email address you used when you first started a trial or purchased an Adobe app or membership. Find...
Keyboard shortcuts:Press theGkey to view theLibrarymodule grid of photos and to return to the Library module from other modules. Press thespacebarto view a single image. Press the+or–keys to adjust thumbnail sizes in theLibrarymodule. PressFto fill the screen with just an image. PressDto...
Keyboard shortcuts Content Authenticity Lightroom and Adobe services Troubleshooting Technical Support Adjust crop and rotationThe Develop module contains tools and controls for cropping and straightening photos. Lightroom Classic crop and straighten controls work by first setting a crop boundary, and...
可讓您在 Adobe Photoshop Lightroom Classic 中提高工作效率的鍵盤快速鍵清單。使用面板的快速鍵結果 Windows macOS 顯示/隱藏側面板 Tab Tab 顯示/隱藏所有面板 Shift+Tab Shift+Tab 顯示/隱藏工具列 T T 顯示/隱藏模組揀選器 F5 F5 顯示/隱藏底片顯示窗格 F6 F6 顯示/隱藏左面板 F7 F7 顯示/隱藏...