Adobe Lightroom 是一款廣受歡迎且操作簡單的照片編輯軟體,適合各種技術水準的攝影師使用。它擁有 強大且直覺的介面,在保持完整功能的同時,也確保用戶能夠輕鬆上手。在 Lightroom 中,您可以使用各種工具來編輯 人像、風景、靜物 等不同類型的影像。 最佳專業攝影工作流程軟體 Lightroom 對於 專業攝影師 來說是一款理...
One basic fix you can't do unless you move to Develop is cropping, but you can hit the R keyboard shortcut to get right to that tool, which offers aspect ratio presets and leveling. Lightroom has long let you create custom presets, but you can now create ISO-adaptive presets. Take, ...
Best for Lightroom Users on a Budget If you're a Lightroom user looking to cut costs without sacrificing functionality, darktable is the perfect choice. Like Lightroom, darktable allows you to organize and edit photos while saving the original image files. It also supports offline shooting, RAW...
“actual pixels” or 1:1), but I like the name of the menu item for this: Pixel to Pixel. You can zoom by holding down Alt and spinning the mouse wheel, as you do in Photoshop. The program has good keyboard shortcut support which closely mirrors the ones in Photoshop. Ctrl-Z ...
The program makes good use of keyboard shortcuts, such as Ctrl-J for creating a virtual copy of your photo. I also like how the mouse wheel zooms you in and out without requiring you to use a key combo. In Lightroom, doing this is surprisingly awkward. The interface is also ...
This would cause my mouse to stop in place, my keyboard to repeat whatever key I had pressed last until it stopped.There is no doubt in my mind adobe has many issues. They run 15+ background programs when no app is active, all to protect their assets. They delete your...
This would cause my mouse to stop in place, my keyboard to repeat whatever key I had pressed last until it stopped.There is no doubt in my mind adobe has many issues. They run 15+ background programs when no app is active, all to protect their assets. They delete your...
but you don't want to dig out your phone to reply to it while you're working on your PC.Windows 11lets you see that photo on that bigger screen and reply to the message right from your keyboard. All you have to do is connect your Android device to Windows 11 wirelessly. Most i...
我无法测试Lightroom Siri Shortcut,因为它还没推出。但我可以告诉你,围绕操作系统局限性进行基于宏的侵入,通常不会出现在对计算未来的大胆视野中,并且Siri Shortcut是围绕苹果对iPad Pro施加限制的纯粹侵入。对了,情况变得更糟。我用JPG + RAW拍摄照片,iOS PhotoKit API只允许应用程序从相机胶卷中抓取一...
easy to see these two, in Lightroom, by cycling through the Grid overlay with the "O" shortcut key) I can hardly identify the difference in where the two methods say, is optimal. Mathematically, they are very close.. (within a fraction of one another) - the rule of thirds bein...