Multi-immersion open-top light-sheet microscope for high-throughput imaging of cleared tissues Light-sheet microscopes are increasingly used for imaging cleared tissues, but have imposed constraints on sample geometries and protocols. Here the authors present a multi-immersion open-top light-sheet micr...
For large and densely labeled samples, the SIM raw data will contain mostly out-of-focus light. As soon as the associated shot noise (Chapters 1 and 3) exceeds the in-focus signal, SIM reconstructions are expected to fail. Thus, there is a crossover point where a confocal microscope will...
aCAD model of the microscope with main modules labeled: excitation arms, detection path, sample stages, and sample holder. Modified or custom-made parts are red.bSize comparison between mesoSPIM v.5 and Benchtop systems.cDetection arm can be equipped with a plan apochromatic objective (2×–20...
angular separation of astronomical objects. To minimize diffraction effects, optical microscopes are sometimes designed to useultraviolet lightrather than longer-wavelength visible light. Nevertheless, diffraction is often thelimiting factorin the ability of amicroscopeto resolve the fine details of objects....
(c) The light path of a multidirectional light sheet microscope, where the denoted scanning mirror provides illumination of each plane from multiple directions. LSFM image of a mouse brain expressing Venus fluorescent protein without multidirectional illumination (d), and with multidirectional illumination...
The Viventis Deep light sheet fluorescence microscope combines multi-view and multi-position light-sheet imaging to illuminate life in its entirety. Begin your journey to discover deep, long-term imaging that reveals the intricate details and dynamics of biological systems. ...
Unlike a stand- ard microscope in SPIM the objective lens is placed per- pendicular to the direction of the light such that the sheet of light illuminates the specimen only at the focal plane of the lens. This has two important benefits; it eliminates scat- tered light from out of focus...
Electron microscopy, often performed in a Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM), focuses a beam of high energy electrons (typically upto 30 keV) onto the surface of a sample. A host of scattering processes takes place upon the interaction of the beam with the atoms in the material, resulting in...
Multicellular systems grow over the course of weeks from single cells to tissues or even full organisms, making live imaging challenging. To bridge spatiotemporal scales, we present an open-top dual-view and dual-illumination light-sheet microscope dedic
highly transparent structures. SLIM is implemented as an add-on module to an existing phase-contrast microscope and, in essence, controls rigorously the phase shift between the incident and scattered field emerging from the specimen32,33. We used a Nikon Eclipse Ti-inverted microscope outfitted wit...