Diagrams ① and ② represent an embryo in the dorsal view while diagram ③ shows the corresponding lateral view. (f) A similar chart as (d) for the right primordium. (g–n) The dorsal views of EADP cells movement from embryonic stage 13 to stage 16. The observation time points (Ob. ...
The optical correction of defocus in our high-NA microscope allowed fast de-scanning of a 3D volume over an axial range of ~70 µm at speeds limited primarily by the camera framerate ( ~ in our case 799 camera frames/s at 2304 × 256 pixels using Hamamatsu Orca-fusion BT). W...
The idea of Integrated CLEM is equipping a SEM with an inverted fluorescence microscope. Delmic has developed the World’s first integrated CLEM platform, SECOM, which can be retrofitted on any standard SEM,. to perform Integrated CLEM microscopy speedily and easily. Figure 6: A diagram showing ...
Current methods of imaging of tissues in mice using fluorescence methods involve the imaging of exposed tissues under a microscope, and typically the animal must be anesthetized or immobilized. A severe challenge arises from poor transmission of light through tissues, including the skin, which absorb...
Figure 1A shows a light microscope image of blood plasma (BPraw), andFigure 1D shows the suspension of aged, washed erythrocytes (BEraw). It can be seen that the source samples were rich with material (Figure 1, raw). Panel A shows numerous micrometer-sized particles, and Panel D shows...
To know the 3D surface profile, an atomic force microscope (AFM) analysis was conducted by Veeco Dimension 3100. The optical properties were measured using Specord® PC 205 ultraviolet-visible (UV-vis) spectrophotometers, Analytik Jena AG, Jena, Germany and photoluminescence (PL) spectra at ...
microscope (FESEM: SU8220, HITACHI, Japan) equipped with an energy-dispersive X-ray spectrometer (EDS) with an accelerating voltage of 10 kV. The shape and morphology were analyzed with a high-resolution transmission electron microscope (HRTEM: JEM2010, JEOL, Japan) to observe the lattice of ...
To break the optical diffraction limit, SIM modulates the high-frequency information of the sample, which is originally beyond the cutoff frequency of the optical transfer function (OTF), into the microscope passband by structured illumination, usually in the form of three-step phase-shifting fringe...
“Methods”) differences between WT and the mutant under both conditions is shown in the corner.eSize-exclusion chromatography of the recombinant proteins of AUREO1c, after dark incubation or blue light irradiation, followed by crosslinking. The molecular weight (Mw) labels are based on data in ...
The mesoSPIM project33provides instructions for building and using a facility-grade light-sheet microscope for imaging large, cleared samples in a free and open-source way. The mesoSPIM system achieves uniform axial resolution across cm-scale FOV by using the axially swept light-sheet microscopy prin...