Light Meter是一款多功能且高精度的光照测量工具,适用于各种环境。无论您是追求完美拍摄的摄影师、确保植物获得最佳光照的植物爱好者,还是希望优化工作空间照明的人,这款应用都能满足您的需求。 主要功能: • 实时色温测量 获取精准的色温数据,帮助您捕捉照片的最佳氛围和色彩。 • 勒克斯 & 英尺烛光测量 以您偏...
lux light meter pro光度计软件作为测光线app,它相当于一个随身携带的照度计,可以实时测量当前环境的光线水平,支持进行光线强弱的调节,非常适合用于进行摄影。 官方介绍 易于使用、功能强大的照度计(lux),非常适合测量、比较和调整环境中的照明水平,无论是在工作场所还是在家中都可使用。
I'm an independent photographer/designer/developer and am very grateful for your support. Trying to do the best lightmeter app ever, a lot more to come. You can ask for any improvement and I'll be happy to help. This app is constantly reviewed and improved because it is my tool, if ...
I'm an independent photographer/designer/developer and am very grateful for your support. Trying to do the best lightmeter app ever, a lot more to come. You can ask for any improvement and I'll be happy to help. This app is constantly reviewed and improved because it is my tool, if ...
Lux Light Meter app是一款非常实用的照度计软件。用户可以通过软件来测量环境中的照明水平,可以知晓不同仪器的光亮数据,可以调整光线,非常的实用。 Lux Light Meter app介绍: 光度计(Light Meter)是一款易于使用、功能强大的照度计(lux),非常适合测量、比较和调整环境中的照明水平,无论是在工作场所还是在家中都可使...
Pro Mode¥68.00 App Support Privacy Policy Supports Family Sharing Some in‑app purchases, including subscriptions, may be shareable with your family group when Family Sharing is enabled.Learn More Photone - Grow Light Meter Lux Light Meter Pro for Mobile ...
Lumu Power is an easy-to-use digital incident color and light meter that works seamlessly with the free Lumu app to deliver Color Temperature, Illuminance, Spot, Ambient, and Flash Exposure metering functionality on your iPhone.A new expression of what a light meter can be, Lumu meets the ...
Download and info for Light Meter Tools. Pro Filmmaker Apps is a curated database that can help you get a job done a little better or a little faster.
# 数位测光表 Light Meter Pro free最新版 免费版与专业版 ◎无广告 ◎未来将新增更多功能 特色: ◎操作容易 ◎简易测量曝光 ◎能自动侦测环境光源,取得正确曝光值 ◎程式开法时使用专业测光表比对,精准度很高 (不同手机可能会有些微误差) 使用方法: 1.将手机放置在需要测量的位置 2.尽量调整手机面向光源 3...
Light Meters: Specializing in Exposure light Meters, Pentax Digital Spot Meter, Sekonic, Gossen, Minolta Spot Meter F, Pentax Spot Meter-V, Sekonic L-508 Zoom Master, Gossen Ultra Spot-2, Gossen Luna Pro-F, Sekonic L-398 Studio Deluxe, Minolta Flash Met