Light Meter Ultra for iPhone gives you the exact readings you need for your camera by simply pointing your device at the scene.
iPhone 截屏 简介 Light Meter is an app that helps you calculate right exposure settings with two ways, using your main phone camera or with front ambient light sensor. You just need to set ISO speed of film you're using and set desired aperture value and the app will recalculate the shutt...
iPhone 截圖 簡介 I once bought a second-hand film camera, but the built-in light meter was broken. Then I started to build this lightweight light meter for all film photographers. A simple UI with a very hard-core, statistic-based, lux calculation inside. The only light meter you will ...
立即下载,为您的 iPhone 测光。 使用条款: 隐私政策: 新内容 2024年12月31日 版本2.4.10 Bug fixes, performance enhancements and user feedback inspired tweaks to make your light metering experience even better. Happy shooting!
iPhone 截屏简介 Light meter in your pocket! Exclusive accuracy of measurements. Calibrated with professional high-precision illuminometer. We have made this Light Meter for that you could save on purchasing of professional illuminometers which cost hundreds of dollars. At the same time we love ...
Light Meter Free是一款辅助测光应用,可以通过 iPhone 摄像头测出当前光线环境下的感光度、光圈、快门组合,显示曝光值,还支持曝光补偿。适合于没有自动曝光的老交卷相机。@Appinn 感谢@qiushaoxi同学的推荐,“个人体验:第一卷的胶卷没有期待,但是用这个Light Meter Free测出来的数值,曝光都非常合适。” ...
软件介绍 A light meter that is always in your pocket. It is indispensable for film photography with all manual camera. Measures reflected light, and allows reciprocity calculations. 更新内容 * Advertising and in-app purchases are removed * User interface adjusted to work with iPhone XS * Multiple...
Pocket Light Meter 价格:免费 分类:摄影 当前版本:5.1 大小:1.2 MB 语言:中文、英语、法语、德语、意大利语、日语、俄语、乌克兰语 系统要求:与iPhone 3GS、iPhone 4、iPod touch(4th generation)、iPad2兼容。需要iSO 4.0或者更高。 Pocket Light Meter可以让iPhone变为一台随身的测光表。对于职业摄影师和摄影爱...
LuxiLightMeter让iPhone变成测光表仪器 钟爱摄影的小伙伴们对曝光表应该不陌生,它也被称为测光表,小伙伴们可以在摄影时用它计量光的强弱以控制摄影曝光时间和光圈大小。现在相机的测光表一般都嵌在机器上,很多人可能注意不到,其实在使用常用单反相机拍照时,屏幕上会根据镜头对准位置的光线而显示变化的数字,这些就是...
分享16赞 lomo吧 小侯博 light meter测光表APP 这个很好用 分享14赞 s4吧 h136141742 跪求Pocket LightMeter 测光软件人家iphone 有这款软件 我们貌似没有 我是摄影者 需要这款软件 有没有大神有的 发个地址过来 或者发我邮箱里 万分感谢 分享回复赞 一起学摄影吧吧 iwayzheng light meter fo...