该研究4月10日在Circulation上发表,发现心血管健康得分较高的人群,其平均寿命比得分最低的人增长了8.9年。这些分数衡量了对美国心脏协会开发的一组生活方式行为和健康因素的坚持,这些行为和健康因素被称为Life's Essential 8(生命8要素)。这些措施鼓励戒烟,锻炼身体,健康饮食,合理适度的睡眠,控制体重、控制血...
近日,AHA发布主席咨询文件,提出了“生命8要素(Life's Essential 8)”,包括饮食、体力活动、戒烟(尼古丁暴露)、睡眠健康、BMI、血脂、血糖和血压。AHA新增加了睡眠健康;更新了饮食、尼古丁暴露、血脂和血糖。Life's Essential 8中的每个指标均有一个新的评分算法(...
好家伙,“生命八要素(Life's Essential 8)”又要变成九要素了。Circulation发文指出,心理健康是加强心血管健康的重要组成部分,Life's Essential 8可以考虑加上“心理健康”变成“生命的九个关键要素(Life's Cruc...
2022年8月,AHA在医学期刊《循环》(Circulation)上发表了最新的心血管健康指南,新增列入了“睡眠时间”这个行为,并将最新健康指南命名为“生命之本8大关键”(Life’s Essential 8)。8大关键健康行为中,除健康睡眠有更新之外,其他几项仍为2010年AHA发表的“简单生活7法则”(Life's Simple 7)建议不变。202...
Life's Essential 8指标评估和分类 LE 8评分包括:体重指数(BMI)、饮食、体力活动、尼古丁暴露、睡眠健康、血脂、血糖和血压 进行身高和体重的评估,BMI的计算方法是体重(公斤)除以身高(米)的平方。通过自我报告问卷收集尼古丁暴露、体力活...
SUGGESTED for you We saw large differences across the Life's Essential 8 metric group. Men with high cardiovascular health scores tended to have an additional 7 years of life expectancy free of chronic disease compared with those who had lower scores. In women, the difference was about 9.5 yea...
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Background: Adult-onset asthma (AOA) and cardiovascular diseases shared common risk factors and similar pathophysiologic resemblances. The American Heart Association (AHA) unveiled the life's essential 8 (LE8) to promote cardiovascular health (CVH). This study aimed to assess the overall impact of...
Comparison of the associations between Life's Essential 8 and Life's Simple 7 with depression, as well as the mediating role of oxidative stress factors and inflammation: NHANES 2005–2018 比较生活本质8和生活简单7与抑郁症的关系,以及氧化应激因子和炎症的介导作用:NHANES 2005-2018...
It is only with the heart that one can see rightly; what is essential is invisible to the eye.— Antoine de Saint-Exupéry —NO.11如今,人们什么都讲价值,却不懂,什么才是真价值。Nowadays people know the price of everything and the value of nothing.— Oscar Wilde —NO.12我们面对生活的...