3-1 Guaranteed Universal(保证型万能寿险):不带有投资功能,跟Term Life其实更加相近,可以理解为是带有终身保障性质的定期寿险,但是它的保费通常又会比Whole Life终身寿险要低。 3-2 Variable Universal(投资型万能寿险):有投资功能,可以选择各类不同的基金产品进行投资,收益上不封顶,完全跟市场挂钩,但是风险也会比较...
在所有的保险类型中,Life insurance(人寿保险)其实并不是大家很有“好感”的那一种,因为这个保险主要是用在被保人死亡的时候,保险公司才会向被保人的家属或指定的受益人赔付一定的金额。 也就是说,Life insurance最主要功能是给你的家人或指定的受益人提供经济保障,而不会用在在你自己身上(带有投资价值的寿险除外...
Term life insuranceis often the most straightforward and affordable way to get coverage. You pay an affordable premium (a regular monthly or yearly fee), and in return, receive life insurance coverage for a defined amount of time (called a term), such as 20 years. When your term ends, yo...
定期寿险「Term Life Insurance」是一种在一定期限内,如5年、10年、20年,为投保人提供寿险保障的人寿保险产品。在这个时期结束后,投保人可以选择是否延续这份定期寿险(续保时保费会变高)或者让保单终止。 定期寿险的几个特点: - 保费低 - 通常可以续保 ...
在所有的保险类型中,Life insurance(人寿保险)其实并不是大家很有“好感”的那一种,因为这个保险主要是用在被保人死亡的时候,保险公司才会向被保人的家属或指定的受益人赔付一定的金额。 也就是说,Life insurance最主要功能是给你的家人或指定的受益人提供经济保障,而不会用在在你自己身上(带有投资价值的寿险除外...
工作单位给买的life insurance主要有两个不太好的地方:一个是保额通常不是特别高,通常保额只有工资的一倍到两倍;另外一个就是“延续性”并不好,如果爸妈们换了一家公司或单位的话,到新单位的话是需要重新买寿险的。 而且人寿保险的保费...
Length: A whole life insurance policy is not dictated by pre-determined time frames. A term life insurance policy, on the other hand, involves coverage within a specific time frame (usually between 10 and 30 years) chosen by the policyholder. ...
Term life has a fixed term, while permanent life is lifelong, often until age 121. Discover which suits you in our guide on term vs. permanent life insurance.
Term life insurance is basic coverage, similar toother insurance you purchasein which you pay a monthly premium for a stated benefit, for a specified period of time (the term). Costs will vary based on the age and health of the insured individual, but term life insurance is considerably les...
Term life insurance is perhaps the easiest to understand because it’s straightforward insurance without a savings or investing component. The reason you buy a term policy is for the promise of adeath benefitfor yourbeneficiaryshould you pass away while it’s in force. For many people, it’s ...