定期寿险的种类 定额定期寿险「Level Term」:定额寿险应该说是最常见的定期寿险产品,为投保人在一定期限内提供寿险保障,这个期限可以是5、10、20年或者更长。保险费用根据投保人投保时的年龄、性别和健康状况等因素核算。保险公司一般会在保单起始的初期收取高于寿险成本的保费,以此确保期限内的保费固定。 每年续保的定...
Permanent life insurance provides coverage for as long as you’re alive, regardless of age or health status. Term life insurance covers you only for a specific period, known as a term, such as 10, 20 or 30 years. As you age, term insurance may be more challenging to qualify for and m...
其实,term life insurance指的是:具有固定期限的人寿保险。保险期内,保险公司承诺对被保险人的人身意外进行赔付。一旦保险到期,被保险人可以选择是否续保,或终止保险。Term life insurance经常在美式口语中被简化为:term insurance。中文里,可把term life insurance翻译为:定期人寿保险,或定期寿险。这里的term,指的...
Term life insurance is temporary, covering you for a fixed period of time, while whole life usually lasts a lifetime. Learn more now.
3-1 Guaranteed Universal(保证型万能寿险):不带有投资功能,跟Term Life其实更加相近,可以理解为是带有终身保障性质的定期寿险,但是它的保费通常又会比Whole Life终身寿险要低。 3-2 Variable Universal(投资型万能寿险):有投资功能,可以选择各类不同的基金产品进行投资,收益上不封顶,完全跟市场挂钩,但是风险也会比较...
Choosing between term and whole life insurance depends on your financial goals, budget and coverage needs. If you’re looking for a new life insurance policy, there’s a good chance you’ve considered options for both whole and term life insurance policies. But what exactly is the difference ...
Whole vs. term life insurance There is no one-size-fits-all answer when it comes to life insurance. You may already even have a life insurance type chosen for you by a spouse, family member oremployer. But understanding the differences between whole and term can assist you in making the ...
1、定期寿险(Term Life) 定期寿险顾名思义就是保一定年限的,一般有5年、10年、20年、30年这几种可以选择。定期寿险最大的好处就是价格很便宜,条款也比较简单,而且对于大部分家庭来说也够用。 定期寿险是不带有现金价值(Cash Value)的,也就是说你交的保费都会给保险公司,不具备储蓄功能,也不能给你带来投资收...
Depending on the insurance company, it may be possible to turn term life into whole life insurance. You can purchase term life policies that last 10, 15, 20 years, or more and you can usually renew them for an additional term. Thebest term life insurance companieshave low prices, easy ap...
Term life insurance is perhaps the easiest to understand because it’s straightforward insurance without a savings or investing component. The reason you buy a term policy is for the promise of adeath benefitfor yourbeneficiaryshould you pass away while it’s in force. For many people, it’s ...