LESierra Leone Leone(national currency) LELanguage Environment LELine Engraved(philately; Victorian-era style stamps) LELeucine-Enkephalin(opioid peptide neurotransmitter) LELateral Epicondylitis LELicensed Embalmer LELeft Engine LELatest Estimate LELeukocyte Esterase ...
indicate that in 1999 men's life expectancy at birth was highest inJapanwith 77.6 years, followed by Sweden (77.1 years), and Australia (76.8 years). Life expectancy was lowest inSierra Leone(33.2 years), Niger (37.2 years), and Zambia (38.0 years). Men's life expectancy at birth rose...
with the Atlantic shores to the Southwest of its territory. It consists of 28 thousand square miles of land, and has approximately 6 million inhabitants. The reasons for Sierra Leone�s short life expectancy are many�each as terrible as the next. ...
Life expectancy is a measure of how long the average person lives in a given country, and these are the countries with the highest and lowest life expectancies.
Sierra Leone– Approx. 54 years Somalia– Approx. 57 years Ivory Coast– Approx. 57 years South Sudan– Approx. 57 years Guinea-Bissau– Approx. 58 years Equatorial Guinea– Approx. 58 years Life expectancy in business In business, life expectancy is relevant for insurance, annuity contracts, ...
Alan MacDermid
According to the World Health Organisation report, the countries with the lowest life expectancy are Sierra Leone, the Central African Republic, the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Guinea-Bissau, Lesotho, Somalia, Eswatini, Angola, Chad, Mali, Burundi, Cameroon, and Mozambique. The analysis of...
190Sierra Leone55.882020 More rankings:Africa|Asia|Central America & the Caribbean|Europe|Middle East|North America|Oceania|South America|World| Development Relevance:Mortality rates for different age groups (infants, children, and adults) and overall mortality indicators (life expectancy at birth or sur...
World life expectancy has one of the largest global health and life expectancy databases in the world. Explore it thru thousands of pages of Maps, Charts and feature stories. Compare your country to every country in the world.