trematodelife cycleBlack Sea鈥 The complete life cycle and the stages in the trematode Gynaecotyla adunca (Linton, 1905) (Yamaguti, 1939) from two different biotopes are described. The findings have revealed that, in the Black Sea, the trematodes G. adunca parasitize gastropods Hydrobia ...
Stossich, 1901 (Trematoda, Lepocreadiidae) The life0cycle of the digenetic trematode Holorchis pycnoporus M. Stossich, 1901 is described. The redial stages (first generation redia and daughter rediae) occur throughout the genital gland of Barleeia rubra (Adams) a marine Prosobr... P ...
The life cycle of Culuwiya tilapiae a digenean belonging to the family Haploporidae is redescribed and illustrated. The parasite naturally infects the snail, Pyrgophorus cf. spiralis, and the definitive host is Oreochromis mossambicus. Both molluscs and fish were collected from the Parque Litora...
Blair, D, Islam, KS (1983) The life-cycle and morphology of Trichobilharzia australis n.sp. (Digenea: Schistosomatidae) from the nasal blood vessels of the black duck (Anas superciliosa) in Australia, with a review of the genus Trichobilharzia. Syst Parasitol 5: pp. 89-117...
Foodborne liver flukes (Trematoda: Digenea) cause particularly important, but neglected diseases of humans globally2. Opisthorchis viverrini is notable, because it is classified as a group 1 carcinogen by the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC)3 and is a significant risk factor for...
Two sibling species of Ascocotyle (Ascocotyle), Ascocotyle (A.) secunda sp. nov. and Ascocotyle (A.) tertia sp. nov., are described on the basis of their life cycles in Argentina. Both taxa use the hydrobiid snails Heleobia castellanosae and H. parchappei as the first intermediate...
Life cycle of Curtuteria australis n.sp. (Digenea: Echinostomatidae: Himasthlinae), intestinal parasite of the South Island pied oystercatcher sp. (Digenea: Echinostomatidae: Himasthlinae), intestinal parasite of the South Island pied - Allison - 1979 () Citation Context ... (Hulscher 198...
Blood flukes (genus Schistosoma) are parasitic flatworms that infect the organ systems of mammals. They are a serious concern in developing countries, with over 250 million cases recorded annually.
A new species of lepocreadiid, Opechonoides opisthoporus n. sp., is described infecting 12 pomacentrid fish species from the Great Barrier Reef, Australia,
The life-cycle of Helicometra gibsoni n. sp. (Digenea: Opecoelidae) The life-cycle of Helicometra gibsoni n. sp., an opecoelid trematode of marine fishes, is elucidated and the life-history stages are described. Natural in... M Meenakshi,R Madhavi,VGM Swarnakumari - 《Systematic ...