TrematodeThe typical three-host life cycle of most trematodes creates transmission challenges for which a variety of adaptations have evolved to increase the probability of transmission. Some species can abbreviate their life cycle via progenesis, the precocious maturation of the parasite in the second...
These metacercariae develop into adult flukes in the small intestine of the tailed frog, Ascaphus truei Stejneger, and the Pacific giant salamander, Dicamptodon ensatus Eschscholtz. Experimental feeding and cercarial penetration studies were used to determine the life cycle. 展开 ...
The life cycle of Culuwiya tilapiae (Nasir y Gómez, 1976) Overstreet and Curran, 2005, a digenean belonging to the family Haploporidae Nicoll, 1914 is redescibed and illustrated. The parasite infects naturally the snail, Pyrgophorus cf. spiralis (Guppy 1864), and the definitive host, ...
Life cycle28S rDNAArgentinaWe describe the alloglossiid trematode Magnivitellinum saltaensis n. sp., a parasite of the characiform fish Psalidodon endy, and its life cycle from Salta, northwest of Argentina. This is the first life cycle described for a species belonging to the genus ...
Of over 6,000 examinees in northeast Thailand, 79% were found to be infected with the human hepatic trematode Opisthorchis viverrini. Some 90% of all examinees over the age of 10 were positive, and it is estimated that over 3.5 million persons in that country harbor the parasite. The sna...
IV. Parastrigea tulipoides sp.n., a trematode (Strigeida: Strigeidae) from the redshouldered hawk. life cyclemiracidianew speciesparasitesParastrigea tulipoides sp. n. is described from a collection of strigeoid trematodes taken from the red-shouldered ... MR Harkema - 《Journal of ...
This chapter describes a few studies on the life cycle and disease relations of the psilostome trematode S. globulus. The species has been reported for Western Europe, eastern, north central, and northwestern United States of America, and western Siberia, and, therefore, is circumpolar in ...
Intra-molluscan stages of this trematode (mother sporocysts, rediae and cercariae) were found in the gonads and digestive gland ofNassarius pullus(Gastropoda: Nassariidae), a common snail in the same lagoon. Consequently, the life cycle ofH.siganiwas elucidated under natural conditions: eggs are...
Figure 2.1 uses the development of a frog to show a representative life cycle. Let us look at this life cycle in a bit more detail. First, in most frogs, gametogenesis and fertilization are seasonal events for this animal, because its life depends upon the plants and insects in the pond ...
Blood flukes (genus Schistosoma) are parasitic flatworms that infect the organ systems of mammals. They are a serious concern in developing countries, with over 250 million cases recorded annually.