March 14, 2024Asmiroth Cue derision for Ubisoft CEO Yves Guillemot justifying Skull & Bones price point as being worthy of a AAAA game. For a game that is mechanicallylessthan the game that spawned the idea 10+ years ago (Assassin’s Creed 4). I mean,fine, there are bound to be game...
He doesn't deserve it. No one deserves that. If he doesn't have any feelings for me, I'll have to live with that. I don't want him to be bound to me just because someone told him to. It's not fair. It's not… love." Slash was filled to the brim with guilt. All the ...
cause a momentary explosion of comment, only to be replaced by another startling world event. The good news is it is ever more clear that we are bound together and responsible to each other. As we share the human spectacle no transgression is hidden for...
Wow, Amy! I don't know you--but thanks for the shout-out! I could go on & on about how filling, easy & enjoyable this diet is & how fabulous I feel on a plant-based diet--but if anyone's really interested in great health, read my 15 month review (written 4 months ago) "Fif...
As well, where do all the people who are bound to that city end up if they do lose it? 22) Siege system gonna be announced later, but it's gonna be something in between Shadowbane/Darkfall siege systems.23. Archery Aim System; how will it be ?
Let me just get a few thoughts off my chest: You have the right to vote. Although I encourage you to exercise that right, guess what? It’s also your right not to vote. And when you choose not to vote, then I have the right to minimize your influence on my opinion. That’s how...
Wow mom and dad, what an awesome responsibility you have! Pat yourselves on the back if you are proud of your offspring. It takes time, work, and a truckload of patience. Here is a message of hope for you parents that are still on the ground floor with little people under your feet....
t feel go in at all. Others stung and sent a powerful and slightly painful current through my body. One of those was in my right upper chest. When I commented on it, she told me that was the “grief spot.” Wow. Of course. Then a few minutes later I asked if there was a ...
Not only can you arrange for pickup in a Ferrari, Bentley or Rolls (or a jet), but once your dog is checked in, he's chilling in a queen-size bed watchingHomeward Boundon a flat-screen TV. That's after the personal training session, the vitamin bath and the b...
In the beginning the hardest part was definitely getting all my meals in. When you’re running to class, work, meetings, and the library, or simply just catching up with friends, the LAST thing you want to do is be bound to a meal schedule like aninfant. No one else had to structure...