To the north, there is a chest underwater that contains a quest item for Alliance players,Lorgalis Manuscript. Note that there is a long spawn time for this chest, so you will need to wait a total of approximately 10 minutes if every player needs the quest item. ...
Note that the Legendary mountBlack Qiraji Resonating Crystaland theScarab Lordtitle are also linked with the Brood of Nozdormu and the opening of the Gates of Ahn'Qiraj server-wide one-time event. Classic Reputation Guides 1Argent Dawn Guide2Brood of Nozdormu Guide3Hydraxian Waterlords Guide4Leag...
英文名:Large Iron Bound Chest复制 这个对象能在以下地区找到:剃刀沼泽(2). 建议:点击地图缩放 隐藏固定隐藏固定 相关 包含(413) 包含(413) 相同模型(57) 相同模型(57) 1—50的413下一个›最后» 名称 等级 需要等级 阵营 物品栏 来源 类型
英文名:Large Iron Bound Chest复制 该道具出现在以下地图中监狱(2),黑暗深渊,影牙城堡. 提示:点击放大地图 隐藏标记 监狱 相关联的信息 包含(420) 包含(420) 包含(420) 包含(420) 包含(420) 包含(420) 包含(420) 包含(420) 名字 等级 需要
After the War of the Ancients ended, when Illidan, brother of Malfurion Stormrage, emptied three vials of water from the Well of Eternity over the river of Mount Hyjal, Alexstrasza, along with Ysera and Nozdormu, decided to use the Well as a tool to heal the war-ravaged land by placing...
Fan Central Current Community content is available underCC BY-SA 3.0unless otherwise noted.
After the War of the Ancients ended, when Illidan, brother of Malfurion Stormrage, emptied three vials of water from the Well of Eternity over the river of Mount Hyjal, Alexstrasza, along with Ysera and Nozdormu, decided to use the Well as a tool to heal the war-ravaged land by placing...
C Ship Graveyard|QID|46510|M|54,78|N|Loot the chest found underwater, beneath a rocky outcropping, near a sunken ship.| C A Giant Problem|QID|45473|M|52.77,79.02|QO|2|NC|N|Pick up sunken cargo scattered along the ocean floor.| ...
There aretwelvepillars surrounding the Incognitro Felcycle mount in the Karazhan Catacombs, but you only need to solve nine of them to get the mount. This must all be on one character,as the Felcycle is not Warbound. Community membersbelievethat solving all twelve will unlock flying for the...
Uther believed that since Sylvanas had held Kingsmourne, the mourneblade that bound Anduin to the Jailer's will, her presence could also help to free him. Alongside the Maw Walkers, Uther, Jaina, and Sylvanas headed into the Sepulcher,[149] where they ultimately confronted Anduin at Domination...