git clone # ndt_omp wstool init wstool merge lidar_IMU_calib/depend_pack.rosinstall wstool update # Pangolin cd lidar_imu_calib_beta ./ ## build cd ../.. catkin_make source ./devel/setup.bashExamples...
git clone # ndt_omp wstool init wstool merge lidar_IMU_calib/depend_pack.rosinstall wstool update # Pangolin cd lidar_imu_calib_beta ./ ## build cd ../.. catkin_make source ./devel/setup.bashExamples...
#init ROS workspacemkdir -p~/catkin_li_calib/srccd~/catkin_li_calib/src catkin_init_workspace#Clone the source code for the project and build it.git clone init wstool merge lidar_IMU_calib/depend_pack.rosinstall wstool update#Pang...
git clone cd .. catkin_make -DCATKIN_WHITELIST_PACKAGES="ndt_omp;lidar_imu_calib" run step use rosbag tool record imu and lidar data rosbag record /imu /lidar_points config launch file lidar_topic: lidar data topic name imu_topic...
先决条件 将ndt_omp安装到系统目录 git clone cd ndt_omp mkdir build cd build cmake .. make sudo make install 步 使用rosbag工具记录imu和激光雷达数据 rosbag record /imu /lidar_points 配置启动文件 lidar_topic: lidar data topic name imu_to点...
激光雷达与IMU多传感器标定 Targetless Calibration of LiDAR-IMU System Based on Continuous-time Batch Estimation - lidar_IMU_calib/package.xml at master · lyk125/lidar_IMU_calib
catkin_init_workspace# Clone the source code for the project and build it.gitclone ndt_ompwstool init wstool merge lidar_IMU_calib/depend_pack.rosinstall wstool update# Pangolin./ buildcd../.. ...
代码可在获取。 创新点导读: 本文基于FAST-LIO和LI-Init的IESKF算法改进了两点: (1)地面约束引入到雷达里程计BA优化降低z轴漂移; (2)地面约束引入到外参标定BA优化提升平面运动的可观测性。 第一点地面约束提升里程计精度是典型做法,主要介绍下第二点地面约束提升外参估... 功能包下载与编译 安装步骤: mkdir-p catkin_ws/src cd catkin_ws/src git clone cd..catkin_make-DCATKIN_WHITELIST_PACKAGES="ndt_omp;lidar_imu_calib" ...
代码: 来源:浙江大学 论文名称:Targetless Calibration of LiDAR-IMU System Based on Continuous-time Batch Estimation 原文作者:Jiajun Lv 内容提要 传感器标定是多传感器融合系统的基础模块。本文提出了一个精确的和可重复的LIDAR-IMU标定方法——LI-Calib,用来标定3D...