Posted inCalifornia,Competitiveness,Florida,Illinois,Migration,New York,Tax Competition,Taxation,Texas, taggedCalifornia,Competitiveness,Florida,Illinois,Migration,New York,Tax Competition,Taxation,Texason April 30, 2023|35 Comments » I realize it’s not nice to take pleasure in the misfortune of other...
…For families, 2023’s landmark Students First Act created universal ESAs and is one of the most expansive school-choice policies in the nation. It already is proving to be extremely popular: Nearly 19,000 students will benefit from true educational freedom this fall, with more applications ...
it is a new calendar year, but on a new day. A day that will only be with us once in our life. We have new days every day and we can choose to do something of value and of meaning each and every new day if we only decide to do so...
Mark August 16, 3766 on your calendar. According to…researchers at Tohoku University, that’s the date Japan’s population will dwindle to one. For 25 years, the country has had falling fertility rates, coinciding with widespread aging. The worrisome trend has now reached a critical mass know...
Professor Steve Hanke of Johns Hopkins University wrote a good description of this concept for National Review. Before the rise in central banking (monetary nationalism), the world was dominated by unified currency areas, or blocs, the largest of which was the sterling bloc. As early as 1937,...
By the way, I’m mixing and matching data from several sources, so I’m sure that the numbers from the late 1960s are not a perfect match forthe IMF numbersI used for 1919-2023. That being said, there’s no arguing with the core finding. Massive revenue increases resulted in much hi...