New York vs. Florida, Round #5 Posted inBig Government,Competitiveness,Florida,New York,States, taggedBig Government,Competitiveness,Florida,New York,Stateson February 10, 2023|4 Comments » The first four rounds of my New York vs. Florida contest (availablehere,here,here, andhere) largely fo...
The new policy would tax any gain in value for an asset during the calendar year, regardless of whether it’s sold. Capital gains are taxed in New York at the same rate as ordinary income, so the rate would be 8.8%. Given her track record, I’m not surprised that Ocasio-Cortez has...
Independence Hall During the blistering summer of 1776, 56 delegates gathered at the Pennsylvania State House and pledged their “lives, their fortune and their sacred honor” in the pursuit of independence. Now known asIndependence Hall, the UNESCO World Heritage Site is where the Declaration of...
it is a new calendar year, but on a new day. A day that will only be with us once in our life. We have new days every day and we can choose to do something of value and of meaning each and every new day if we only decide to do so...