The article reports that the World Bank and the Government of Liberia signed a grant from Norway on April 27, 2016 to support Liberia effort to improve the integrated management of targeted forest landscapes; and Liberia Forest Sector Project (LFSP) to contribute to maximize country's economy....
we also wish to analyze the actual food security effects (i.e., treatment effects) of forest sector participation on those households that actually participated in the forestry sector. These include the average treatment effects (ATE) – i.e., the effect of forest sector participation...
“There was a process of legality verification ensuring transparency and openness of forest management, and during this period it was eroded,” said Yiah from the Sustainable Development Institute. “You couldn’t see information coming from the sector, there was a lot of corruption, and a lot ...
Men clear an area of the forest and burn the dried brush, and women and children do most of the planting, weeding, and harvesting. Rice is used ceremonially to make offerings to ancestors and the recently dead and is offered to social superiors when one is asking for favors or initiating...
severelyunderminethisrationale.Liberia’s forest reform process, including the legal framework governing the sector, has been lauded as an example of international best practice. The changes made to the forestry laws by the CRL are not international best practice and need to be considered further...
Liberia is home to globally significant forests and most of its people depend on them for their livelihoods. But the restarting of large-scale timber extraction in the country has proven disastrous for local people, the environment, and efforts to strengthen governance. Nonetheless, recent actions ...
A New Environment for Liberia: A road map for the forest sectorBlundell, Arthur GBlundell, Arthur. 2003. A New Environment for Liberia: A Road Map for the Forest Sector. Washington DC: USAID.