Krish Veneer Industries, a sawmill in Buchanan, Grand Bassa County, and an exporter of veneer and round logs, is a partnership, rendering it ineligible to operate. Forestry companies are restricted to corporations, not NGOs, sole proprietorships, or partnerships, according to theRegulation on Bidd...
At present, companies in Liberia owe the government over USD 13,106,000 in land rental fees and late payments. To meet this obligation, they have paid the government only USD 5,001,307. That is a shortfall of over USD 8,100,000. 11 The LTA’s proposal to change the FMC holders...
access to credit—have limited the use of auctions so far, particularly in low-income countries. To establish transparency of the forestry sector’s financial flows, this paper discusses a radical simplification of Liberia’s current timber tax structure, including a ...
made to the Government by companies in the mining, oil and, in the case of Liberia,agriculture and forestryindustries. 利比里亚采掘工业透明度倡议的一项要求是编写年度报告,必须包括采矿公 司和石油公司(在利比里亚还包括农业和林业公司)向政府支付的材料费。
companies relatingtoWinchesinIndustryStock's database. 请使用下面的链接继续查询相关企业的主题绞盘、绞车、卷扬机,可在IndustryStock的数据库中获得。 If you would like Dieter Ripke to call you back aboutWinches,please click on the button ...