The meaning of LIBERAL is inclined to be open to ideas and ways of behaving that are not conventional or traditional : broad-minded, tolerant. How to use liberal in a sentence. Synonym Discussion of Liberal.
The meaning of LIBERAL is inclined to be open to ideas and ways of behaving that are not conventional or traditional : broad-minded, tolerant. How to use liberal in a sentence. Synonym Discussion of Liberal.
Both Campbell and Ryan Park, the nominee picked to replace Wynn, faced opposition from their home state GOP senators, but Republicans under Trump ended the blue slip tradition for circuit nominees, meaning that opposition was not on its own enough to block the nominees. CNN’s messages seeking ...
"Luftmensch," literally meaning "air person," is the Yiddish way of describing someone who is a bit of a dreamer. Did You Know? The word "infant" comes from the Latin word "infans" which literally means "unable to speak; speechless." ...
Definition of Liberal in the Financial Dictionary - by Free online English dictionary and encyclopedia. What is Liberal? Meaning of Liberal as a finance term. What does Liberal mean in finance?
Liberalwas used 16c.-17c. as a term of reproach with the meaning "free from restraint in speech or action." The Enlightenment revived it in a positive sense "free from prejudice, tolerant, not bigoted or narrow," which emerged 1776-88. In 19c. often theological rather than political, opp...
Meaning of liberal Fareed Zakaria, a columnist for The Washington Post and host of “Fareed Zakaria GPS” on CNN, has a new book out titled “In Defense of a Liberal Education.” In a piece about his book published in The Post, he wrote: If Americans are united in any conviction these...
Democracy meaning “the rule of the people” is, along with other common values of humanity such as peace, development, equity, justice and freedom, a very abstract concept. The concept of democracy in the ideal sense should ...
The meaning of LIBERAL is inclined to be open to ideas and ways of behaving that are not conventional or traditional : broad-minded, tolerant. How to use liberal in a sentence. Synonym Discussion of Liberal.
Both Campbell and Ryan Park, the nominee picked to replace Wynn, faced opposition from their home state GOP senators, but Republicans under Trump ended the blue slip tradition for circuit nominees, meaning that opposition was not on its own enough to block the nominees. CNN’s messages seeking ...