His books, which include Being and Nothingness, The Psychology of the Imagination, Nausea, The Age of Reason and Iron in the Soul, have exerted enormous influence in philosophy, literature, politics and cultural studies. 原文摘录 ··· ...meaning is no longer contained in the words, since ...
施特劳斯认为,政治哲学是哲学的组成部分或一个分支:“哲学”表示处理的方式,本根的和整全的;“政治的”既表示主题又表示功能。(By calling this pursuit political philosophy, we imply that it forms a part of a larger whole: of philosophy; or that political philosophy is a branch of philosophy. In the...
alex:What could also work in Johnson’s favor is that Republicans are looking to paint Barnesas too liberaland out of touch with the state’s politics. In August, I wrote about why Minnesota Rep. Ilhan Omar isa sort of bogey(wo)man for Republicans, so if the GOP can successfully tie h...
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There was an interesting race in Delaware in which O’Donnell was running against Castle a six term Republican for the Republican nomination for senate. O’Donnell the Tea Party supported Republican pulled an upset with Mike Castle who is viewed as a liberal republican. The trends seem to indee...
Yet throughout this life, he formed strong friendships with liberal activists and leaders. No American has had a better command of the English language, or has reveled in the joy of words, as he did. No one worked harder. No one enjoyed life more. And no one seemed to be on ...
for office. January the sixth, I was there, I saw it, he was impeached over it," Graham said. "The American people can decide whether they want him to be president or not. This should be decided at the ballot box, not a bunch of liberal jurisdictions trying to put the man ...
Furthermore, it is a truism in higher education, where I have spent a long career, that the education you receive from a prestige institution is not that much different than what you would receive from a good state university or a private liberal arts school. They all use pretty much the...
The assumptions concerning the nature of political things, which are implied in all knowledge of political things, have the character of opinions. It is only when these assumptions are made the theme of critical and coherent analysis that a philosophic or scientific approach to politics emerges. ...
By 2015, the ideological balance had flipped in the party, with 42 percent of Democrats calling themselves “liberal” and 38 percent “moderate.” As of 2015, 49 percent of millennial Democrats identified as “liberal,” meaning that it’s smart politics to evolve left. Gillibrand is on to...