Liaodong peninsula between Bohai 渤海 and Yellow sea east and south of Liaoning province east of Liao river 遼河|辽河 辽东半岛 Trad. 遼東半島 Liáo dōng bàn dǎo Liaodong Peninsula 辽东半岛 Trad. 遼東半島 Liáo dōng Bàn dǎo Liaodong Peninsula Are you Studying Chinese? Become fluent ...
1.(Placename)Liaodong Pensinsulaa peninsula of NE China, in S Manchuria extending south into the Yellow Sea: forms the S part of Liaoning province 2.(Placename)Gulf of Liaodongthe N part of the Gulf of Chihli, west of the Liaodong Peninsula ...
Liaodong [ lyou-dawng ] Phonetic (Standard) IPA noun , Pinyin. a peninsula in NE China, extending S into the Yellow Sea. Gulf of, a gulf W of this peninsula. Video Player is loading.Play Video Mute Duration / Current Time Loaded: 0% Remaining Time - FullscreenPlay This is a modal...
The meaning of LIAODONG is peninsula in southern Liaoning, northern China, between Korea Bay and the Gulf of Liaodong (an arm of the Bo Hai).
辽宁高校-辽东学院。辽东学院(Liaodong University)地处辽宁省丹东市,拥有经、教、文、理、工、农、医、管、艺等九大学科门类,以举办本科教育为主的综合类教学型省属公办普通高等学校。2003年4月16日,经教育部批准,由辽宁财政高等专科学校和丹东职业技术学院合并升格并更为现名,是“卓越医生教育培养计划”试点高校和...
Related to Liaodong:Port Arthur </>embed</> Red China PRC People's Repu... mainland China Communist China China Cathay Liaodong Bandao Liaodong P... noun Synonyms for Liaodong Peninsula nouna peninsula in northeastern China that extends into the Yellow Sea, between Bo Hai and Korea Bay ...
Liaodong Main Chinese Definition (Not available). Did you mean...? Liaoning New Search Wildcard: Use * as placeholder for 0 or more Chinese characters or pinyin syllables Full Search Form Credits🗞️ Words in the News Racism in the USA Racism in the USA Stop Asian Hate Black Lives ...
Liáo dōng Bàn dǎo Liaodong Peninsula Are you Studying Chinese? Become fluent in Chinese by watching Chinese videos in a video player designed for language learners. Try Yabla Now Find out more Browse Dictionary 遗体 | yiti | yi ti 遗体告别式 | yitigaobieshi | yi ti gao bie shi ...
厂家品牌 Liaodong Radioactive Instrument GAMM GEKATEX FLEXIPADS 规格型号 Liaodong Radioactive Instrument GAMM GEKATEX FLEXIPADS YX-Z X射线衍射仪 Liaodong Radioacti X射线源 Liaodong Radioactive Instrument YX-2 series 定向测量系统 Liaodong Ra YX-6D/6DA 定向测量系统 Liaodong Radioactive Instr...
1)Liaodong辽东 1.Development and Declining of theLiaodongEconomical Centre in the Regime of Mr.Gongsun;公孙氏政权下辽东经济中心的发展与衰落 2.On the Management and Exploitation inLiaodongby Yan State in the Warring States Period;战国之燕对辽东的经营开发 ...